Hayek Comments

Comments on “The Mahbub ul Haq Memorial Lecture: On Hayek’s Road to Serfdom: Sixty Years Later:” by Ali Khan. presented at 20th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Pakistan Society of Development Economists (PSDE), 10-12 January 2005, Marriot Hotel, Islamabad.

This paper was later revised and modified to create a Book Review, which was then published as:

Zaman, Asad: "Book Review of Friedrich A. Von Hayek’s Road to Serfdom", Journal of Islamic Business and Management, vol 3, no 1, 2013.

For main page on materials related to Methodology of Islamic Economics and Social Sciences, see: An Islamic Approach to Humanities.


Hayek argued that the un-intended side effects of well meaning social policies would lead to loss of freedom. This essay argues that this prophecy is manifestly false. Many Europeans societies have strong social welfare policies but have not become dictatorships or communist. At the same time, societies which have heeded Hayek and curtailed social services, like the USA, have cause great suffering for the poor, without any apparent benefits.

Comments on “The Mahbub ul Haq Memorial Lecture: On Hayek’s Road to Serfdom: Sixty Years Later:” by Ali Khan. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/232028421_Comments_on_The_Mahbub_ul_Haq_Memorial_Lecture_On_Hayek%27s_Road_to_Serfdom_Sixty_Years_Later_by_Ali_Khan [accessed Oct 24 2017].

