What is Development? NIM 2017

Changing Our Development Paradigms

Published with above title in Express Tribune,on May 18, 2015 This article is loosely coordinated with the lecture. A closer transcript and lecture would enable creation of more short summaries

Connected up with he following lecture at National Institute of Management (NIM), Peshawar, on Friday, 17th Nov 2017 addressed the topic of “What is Development?” and presented radical alternatives to conventional views (Link to AZ Seminars. above

There are three talks with this title, this one is labeled NIM2017. Central Listing on AZ Articles under Video/Talks/ Other talks NIM2016 and NIM 2018 are also linked and listed there. A short summary, based on this talk, was entitled: Changing Our Development Paradigms, and published in Express Tribune with title: Changing Criteria for Development

What is Development III (NIM 2018) - AZ Seminars Listing - Audio File and slides

What is Development (AZ Seminars listing) - 55m Video + art on Changing Our development paradigms.

What is Development? NIM2017 - Islamic WorldView Blog - writeup of THIS talk NIM 2017 WID2

What is Development? NIM 2016 - Earlier Version of this talk, at Chak Shehzad

AZ News: Changing Our Development Paradigms - ET, LinkedIn, Pedagogy, Semi-Central Page links to related articles on development