112109 Field trip report

Although the weather was great (about 55 degrees) birding was not something to rave about. There were few ducks--only bufflehead, pintails, green winged teal, and mallards, of course. Someone spotted an adult bald eagle perched atop a tree, as we viewed him, another flew over the trees toward him. Fourteen great blue herons were a neat find, along with two great egrets. Even woodland birds were sparse: there were a number of robins, but only one cedar waxwing and two red winged blackbirds. A very co-operative rusty blackbird gave us great looks (being a lifer for one or two of our group.) We tallied around 32 species.

Autumn meadowhawk dragonflies were flitting around and landing on us. One really looked great on Joan's cap. Five comma butterflies and one cabbage white were also noted. Jean Gutsmuth