Straughan Recognition

Straughan recognition is a recognition concept to be applied to various steps and puzzles. Up to now, there has been a common recognition style among the various steps in methods. This typically involves first checking the orientation of all pieces then checking additional stickers to complete the recognition. But with Straughan recognition, the minimum number of required stickers is checked. For CLL, for example, it turns out that only four total stickers are needed to determine a case. For ZBLL, just six are required. Straughan recognition is a versatile system that is useful for many steps and puzzles and has applications for tracking and prediction. Because of the low sticker count, this system may work well for one looking solves. It is also a completely unique style of recognition. Other recognition systems are based on checking an orientation then a relational pattern. Straughan recognition is instead purely location based.


Applications and Alg Sets


The base four sticker system as applied to 2x2 has been developed for CLL, EG, TCLL, and LS. It also works for other 2x2 methods. Currently in 2x2 solves using U sticker based recognition, numerous stickers are checked and traced during inspection. Ultimately, 3 or 4 stickers are tracked but at least three U stickers are are also checked as part of the process to know to which corners those final 3 or 4 stickers belong. With Straughan recognition there is no need to check additional stickers. Only four total are checked and tracked, which should be a slightly faster process.


Using four sticker recognition as the base, ZBLL can be recognized using just six stickers. For ZBLL on big cubes, the adjacent permutation parity can be avoided in one of a few ways.

1LLL works similar to ZBLL, but includes one additional edge sticker, making a total of seven stickers. The RU, FU, and LU stickers, for example, are all that are needed to complete the full last layer edge identification.

For OLLCP, the four CLL stickers and any three edge stickers will provide all of the necessary information.

It may also be interesting and useful to have a combination recognition for last layer methods. Instead of finding the six or seven specific stickers, just the four sticker CLL part of the recognition can be used. Then, add in recognition of visible edges and where they are relative to the CLL pattern. This could be useful when only the four CLL stickers were tracked during the final moves of solving the first two layers.


The same four sticker recognition for CLL can be used for the Roux method's CMLL step. It can also be applied to Roux advancements such as ACMLL.


For two sided PLL recognition, only five of the six stickers are necessary. One sticker from each of the three corners and the two edge stickers. However, this may not be any faster than the standard of looking for patterns, such as headlights or bookends. For PLL prediction, just three corner stickers are necessary to know the current corner permutation. If two visible R/F/L/B edge stickers are seen quickly enough, that provides the complete permutation information.

Early Corner Permutation

I have applied this system to early corner permutation, as seen in the CEOR method or the early corner permutation version of Nautilus. Instead of the tracing method that existed before, this new system uses only the location of certain stickers. The same system can be used with CPLS or any other step that permutes corners before the last layer.


This system can also be applied to the 42 method. The 42 method contains two main variants. One is full L5C. With L5C, only the D sticker of the DFR corner needs to be added in to create a five sticker recognition system for L5C. The other main variant of 42 uses CCMLL. Four sticker recognition can be used for CCMLL with some additional rules.

Other Steps and Puzzles

Steps for 2x2, 3x3, and other puzzles will eventually be developed. For example, this system can be applied to OLLCP or Kilominx / Megaminx CLL (five stickers) or L6C (six stickers).

Kilominx / Megaminx

L5E / L5EP


3 Stickers

(Plus corner AUF position information)


4 Stickers

(Plus corner AUF position information)


The base four sticker CLL recognition can also be used during pseudo, such as after solving a pseudo layer or face on 2x2, non-matching blocks in a 3x3 method such as Roux, or CCMLL from the 42 method.

NMCLL Option 1

One option is to use the F and R stickers. Then, learn the single sticker that changes at the FUR position for each type of non matching block. You should know the kind of block you built and therefore will know the sticker to search for.


R2 Non Matching Block

R Non Matching Block

R' Non Matching Block

NMCLL Option 2

Another option is to always use the left side stickers for recognition. In this style, the sticker that changes is instead one that isn't part of the corner with two stickers.


R2 Non Matching Block

R Non Matching Block

R' Non Matching Block

CCMLL Option 1

In this option, you learn the adjacent matching sticker type that should be together depending on the U corner that is on the bottom layer. Then add in the white sticker from the bottom layer to complete the four sticker recognition. The single yellow sticker can be used instead of the white sticker.

U R U' Setup

U' R U' Setup

U2 R U' Setup

CCMLL Option 2

This option is more complicated than the first option. Instead of knowing a simple corner pair as in the first option, stickers to search for are memorized. The corner with two stickers is always the same, but the other two stickers will be different.

U R Setup

U' R Setup

U2 R Setup

4 Sticker Options and Advancements


The four stickers used in the various documents aren't the only ones that are possible. There are several other possibilities as shown below. The use of two colors was chosen for simplicity.


Straughan recognition is meant to be paired with tracking to ensure that there is little or no recognition time when arriving at the step.  However, if only two of the corners were tracked, the remaining sticker may be out of view. To avoid having to AUF to find the sticker, other stickers can be checked. Usually this will preserve the four sticker concept, but sometimes it may mean having to check two additional stickers, for a total of five.

Second blue sticker out of view

The green sticker identifies the case

Second blue sticker out of view

The yellow and orange stickers identifiy the case


Currently the cases are organized based on the location of a single set of stickers then the remaining stickers make up the subcases. Other styles of organization are possible, such as:

The current organization was chosen for simplicity and for providing a target set of stickers to track during the final pair. It also works well with pseudo. The other organization styles likely have their own benefits.

Rules and Observations

Four stickers is the minimum for identifying a CLL case. Breaking it down, three U stickers among three corners can determine orientation, but can't determine permutation on their own. For permutation, side stickers must be involved. Three side stickers among three corners aren't enough to determine the full permutation or the full orientation. This is because of the doppelganger effect. If two red stickers are involved, the two red corners need to be differentiated by checking an additional sticker on one. If one red, one blue, and one orange are used, each of those have doppelgangers. Because of the doppelganger effect, a sticker needs to be added to the three for full CLL case identification.

This can be compared to the four U edges when corners are unsolved. Three edge side stickers can determine orientation. Three can also determine permutation. Three total can completely identify the case. All of the edge side stickers are unique and so there are no doppelgangers. Two adjacent corners can be seen as an edge divided into two like cell division. The two end up sharing the same two original colors, but then have different end point colors.

A set of rules can be developed: