APB is a system for efficiently solving EO plus the final 1x2x3 after a 2x2x3 is built. The idea came from thinking that more should be done during the edge orientation step of the Petrus method. So in APB the first step is to solve the 2x2x3. After the 2x2x3 is built, create one of the F2L pairs. Then use an algorithm to orient all edges while inserting this pair. Finally, the last three pieces of the F2L are solved in a single algorithm.

It is also possible when creating the first pair to set it up to where the corner and edge are almost paired together. This means setups like L' U' L or R U R'. Then use an algorithm to pair and insert while orienting the edges. This system is very expandable with different usable pairs, pair configurations before the EOPair step, and different possibilities for the final step.

APB stands for Athefre('s) Pair & Block. Thanks to Ryan "OreKehStrah" Hudgens for the initial name idea to create the acronym and Melkor for the word Pair to more accurately describe the method.