Notation Based Reference System

This system allows for referencing any piece or group of pieces anywhere on the cube. It doesn't require learning any new notation; you simply use the notation that you already know for denoting turns. The system can be used for describing in a simple way which pieces are already solved or are to be solved in a method, the state that a puzzle is in, and may even have computer applications. It can also be used on big cubes and any other puzzle that has an established notation.

Block Referencing

In our standard notation we have outer turns, slice turns, and wide turns. Using this notation we can travel from outer to inner or inner to outer to reference any block or single piece. The reference is the intersection of the combination of layers in which the piece or group of pieces lies. To reference a 2x2x2 that is built around the DFR corner for example, it would be referenced as dfr. That block is within the bottom two layers, which is a wide turn d. It is also within the two front layers and the two right side layers, wide f and wide r respectively. To use another example, take the DFR corner + FR edge pair. That would be referenced as dFR because the pair is within the d layers and also on the outer layers F and R. The very center of the cube would be MES because that is the intersection of the three slices.

I propose that the standard reference in the community follow a clockwise direction. U and D can remain the starting letter for corner pieces. But the sticker order should move clockwise around each corner. URF, UFL, ULB, UBR, DFR, DLF, DBL, and DRB are the primary references for each corner piece. Then for sticker references, stickers on a corner would also move clockwise around the corner - URF, RFU, and FUR are the U, R, and F stickers of the URF corner. For edges, U and D can also remain the starting letter for whole pieces (UF, UR, DF...). For edges in the E layer, F and B will be the priority (FR, BR...). Then for referencing individual edge stickers, the sticker order will determine the sticker being referenced (FU, RF...).


Corner at URF

The same way as corners are currently referenced. A corner is at the intersection of three layers. In this example, the URF corner is at the intersection of the U, F, and R layers.


Edge between the UFL and URF corners

Edges, just like corners, are at the intersection of three layers. UFM intersects at the U, F, and M layers. Unaware of the intersections, the community previously referenced edges using the two outer layers, leaving out the slice layer.


1x1x3 intersecting at the U and F layers

The intersection of two outer layers is a 1x1x3 block. Previously, the UF in this example would refer to the edge that is between the two corners. However, the accurate reference is that the intersection of the U and F layers is the 1x1x3 block. This is the two corners and the edge between them.


1x2x3 on the U layer facing the front

Roux block on the left is dL.


1x2x2 on the U layer facing  the R and F layers


2x2x2 around the URF corner


CE pair at the front right with F2L on the bottom


ZZ line, the two D layer M slice edges plus centers


U layer center


The very center of the cube

Stickers can also be referenced. The order of the group of letters indicates the stickers that are being referenced, with the first letter being the targeted sticker or stickers. For example, URF is the U layer sticker on that corner and FUR is the F layer sticker. urf is the group of four stickers on the U layer within that 2x2x2 block and fur is the four stickers on the front layer.

The default form of the notation is to reference blocks using the intersection of the layers that are involved. However, even more types of blocks can be referenced if other set notation is considered. Such as unions, symmetric difference, and so on. For example, with the default being the intersection, dM (or d ∩ M) is the line in the middle of the two bottom layers. But if we take the symmetric difference, or d ∪ M, that would reference the two Roux blocks (F2B).

I first discussed this group referencing system on in 2010, here.

Unsolved / Pseudo

The system can also be used to reference pieces or groups of pieces that are in locations other than the solved position. The existing turn notation is again used here. This time by using the x, y, and z rotations. The piece or group is referenced then followed by the rotation that it would take to be placed in its current position. This can be viewed as passing the block or piece into the rotation. The order is x->y->z, but can also be used in a different order and, if it is, the notation can be shorter in some cases. This expands the standard to be U/D->F/B->R/L->M/E/S->x/y/z. Below are example images.


UBM edge at UFM


UBR corner at FUR


ULS edge at RUS

Centers can be ignored during a rotation.


Cross on U offset by U2


1x2x3 belonging at uR now placed at dR


ZZ-4c example where URS is at DFM and ULS is at DBM


There are a couple of other ways that can be used to reference unsolved or pseudo situations.


Cube states such as EO, CO, and domino reduction can also be represented. These states are notated by using functions such as C() and E() and also by referencing a piece or group of pieces. When a function is used, first the piece type is placed inside the parentheses and after that, inside of brackets are parameters for applying orientation and or permutation. For notating states of pieces, first the pieces are referenced, optional curly braces are used to define the pieces that are allowed within the initially referenced pieces, then, in the same way as in the functions, orientation and permutation parameters are used inside of brackets.


The U face corners are oriented facing U


The U edges are oriented facing U


U layer corners oriented in the Pi orientation

Pi is a custom function for producing short notation.


All edges on d oriented ZZ style

Dl{U, D}[O(y)]

Dl block consisting of pieces from the U and D layers

Used in DR methods.


Color neutral U or D cross

d - dFR


y*:(dFR + dM + dS):y*


The initial y* notates that it can be any of the four d XCrosses. The final y* notates that, after solved, the XCross can be rotated anywhere on d.

E()[O(z)] + dM


[O] + E{E}

Domino reduction state

Notation Guide

Putting everything together, there are two main structures. One for when referencing just corners, edges, or centers as piece types. And another for when referencing a specific piece or group of pieces.
