Executive Calendar

CLIR Executive Committee Calendar for ongoing tasks


  • Chair submits requests for meeting rooms in the ASEEES online convention scheduling system for CLIR and its subcommittees for the current year's convention. Deadline is usually in February. See the CLIR Conference Room Scheduling guidelines.

  • Chair provides rosters of the CLIR Executive Committee and its subcommittees to the ASEEES Convention Coordinator to help avoid scheduling conflicts.


  • In consultation with the CLIR Chair, the Member-at-large ensures that the CLIR minutes from both sessions [Executive meeting and General meeting]] are finished and corrected.

  • In consultation with the CLIR Chair, the Member-at-large ensures that the CLIR General minutes are submitted to SEES Newsletter subcommittee by their deadline and are also linked from the CLIR website [CLIR Executive meeting minutes are not published].

  • Chair submits updated CLIR report (with any additional information from ASEEES Convention) & subcommittee reports to SEES Newsletter Editor.


    • Chair solicits nominations over Slavlibs for the Distinguished Service Award (though they may come in at any time during the year).


  • Ongoing work


  • Chair works with CLIR Executive Committee to review nominations for Distinguished Service Award and to determine if an award is warranted.

    • Chair informs Distinguished Service Award recipient by July 1.


  • Chair informs NewsNet Editor and ASEEES Executive Director by August 1, whether the Distinguished Service Award will be presented at the Annual Convention. Chair should plan to attend ASEEES awards reception with award recipient.

  • Chair prepares award testimonial in two versions, one for Convention Program, and an abbreviated version for the award ceremony. Both are due by September 1.

  • If needed, Chair solicits nominations for new CLIR roster from current CLIR members (a general call is not made).

  • In consultation with the CLIR Chair, the Member-at-large posts a list of library-related panels, roundtables, meetings, and events on the CLIR web site and sends an announcement to slavlibs


  • Chair confirms with NewsNet Editor in mid-September inclusion of the CLIR Distinguished Service Award recipient in the ASEEES announcement of awards.

  • Chair establishes CLIR Executive Council roster (decisions on appointees made by the Executive Council ; decision on new Chair made by outgoing Chair), sends to the ASEEES President, and copies the ASEEES Executive Director [due in mid-September]. CLIR appointments are vetted and approved by the ASEEES Council .

  • Chair sends out general invitation for subcommittee volunteers (if needed).

  • Chair asks subcommittee chairs to prepare new rosters and submit to the CLIR Executive Council by October 15.

  • Chair asks subcommittee chairs to prepare and send CLIR annual subcommittee reports by October 15.


    • Member at large verifies correct meeting room assignments for library-related panels, roundtables, meetings, and events. Chair resends announcement over Slavlibs

  • Chair announces recipient of Distinguished Service Award on Slavlibs, inviting members to the award ceremony. As appropriate, chair organizes informal gathering of friends and colleagues to take place after the award ceremony.

  • Subcommittee Chairs provide new subcommittee rosters to CLIR Chair by October 15.

  • Subcommittee assignments are discussed and approved by CLIR over email or virtual meeting, but may also be sent to the ASEEES Council for their information.

  • Subcommittee Chairs send annual subcommittee reports to CLIR Chair by October 15.

  • Chair prepares and submits CLIR report (for ASEEES Council ) by late October, based on subcommittee reports.

November [Pre-Convention]

  • Chair sends out draft agenda for the CLIR Membership Meeting at ASEEES.

  • Chair prepares agenda for the CLIR Executive Meeting with input from CLIR and CLIR subcommittee chairs.

  • Chair designates two members to record minutes for CLIR meetings, one of which is the Member-at-large. The Member-at-large is also responsible for circulating (and retrieving) an attendance sheet.

  • Chair sends out final agenda for CLIR Membership Meeting.

ASEEES National Convention:

  • Chair attends the ASEEES Council meeting.

  • Chair attends SEEMP meeting as ex officio CLIR representative.

  • Chair leads and facilitates the two CLIR meetings.

  • Chair presents Distinguished Service Award.

  • Member-at-large reminds and follows up with the Subcommittee Chairs about assignment for NewsNet Library and Internet News.


  • Chair verifies CLIR and subcommittee nominees’ willingness to serve and finalizes committee and subcommittee rosters.

  • Chair writes letters of appointment to all new CLIR and subcommittee members.

  • Chair writes letters of thanks to departing subcommittee chairs, CLIR members, and faculty liaisons.

  • The Chair obtains from the Member-at-large a list of panels proposed for the next convention at the CLIR member meeting. In consultation with the CLIR, the Member-at-large sends this list out over Slavlibs.

  • Chair announces final committee rosters on Slavlibs, updates website and sends rosters to Newsnet for publication.

Calendar and Subcommittee Assignments for ASEEES NewsNet Library & Internet News 2021