Virdifield/ Virdifell

[fell meaning a high hill]

The highest ground in the Herra is the hill of Virdifield at 143 metres. In wartime a lookout was kept from the top. All the islands had vigilant guards on the hilltops and were linked by telephone. We climbed the hill and found that part of the foundation of the watch hut which measured 20ft by 20ft, is still visible. A bonfire was lit on top of the hill to celebrate VE day.

From the summit of Virdifield the view is spectacular. We were able able to see far around the island in all directions taking in part of the Mainland and Saxavord on Unst.

As we descended from Virdifield Graveland came into view. There are plenty of traces of former occupation in this pleasant area. At one time it was a busy homestead. In 1851 only one house was occupied and eight were uninhabited.