Poems by Nancy Johnson

Fair Luna’s river o’er the hill

A glistening sheen the voe

Still silvery waves come stealing in

Sweet whispering as they flow

And kiss the soft bespangled sand

In the alluring light

They with a sigh flow out again

Among the pebbles bright

Come back ye glinting silvery waves

Upon the moonlight tide

We cannot follow said the sands

While ye roam far and wide

But wait upon the silent shore

Between the land and sea

‘Til you flow in to kiss us

O’er and o’er again in glee

Sweet golden sands we’ll come again

Sighed the whispering waves confiding

Though we must mingle on the main

For the moonlight will come gliding

So wait while we roam on the main

for constant we’ll abide

And kiss you o’er and o’er again

upon each moonlight tide

Then au revoir sweet wavelets bright

But never a goodbye

For love is sweetest in moonlight

When the silvery tide flows high.

-Nancy Johnson-