Sheriff Court Proceedings 1692-1873

Most of the summonses and petitions were to pay money owed but some other petitions were brought. Local people were involved in the following.

1787 Wm Hay, merchant Westsandwick for £35 1s 1d from Francis Smollet, Graveland

1795 Summons for removing Gilbert Donaldson in Volister by Henry Ross, merchant

1806 for removing Basil Robertson from Gremister, Grummond and Graveland

1812 Petition and complaint that Laurence Anderson, May and Margaret Mann, Grummond assaulted John Garthson at the croe, Raga

1812 for removing Olla Charleson, Effstigarth and Robert Fraser and Laurence Charleson, Graveland

1819 that William Thomson and David Thomson of Raga stabbed the father of Laurence Anderson 10, when told not to maltreat the boy. The petitioner was rescued by Andrew and Bartle Johnson his neighbours

1819 Henry Johnson, Ulsta was father of an illegitimate child born December 1814 to Jean Thomson, Gremister

1824 for division of scattald, Windhouse, pursuer John Mouat, Garth and defenders Charles Ogilvy, Lerwick, Margaret Neven, Windhouse and John Bartleson, Raga.

1827 for removing John Scollay, by Ann Spence, Windhouse

1830 damages from Daniel Scollay, Volister, having struck Donald McColl, Volister, who then jumped over a dyke spraining his arm. Scollay then trampled a valuable sheepdog belonging to McColl rendering it useless

1831 complaint of assault on Ann Robertson by Bartholomew Johnson both Raga

1831 Lawburrows against both McColl and A Park of Volister to stop each threatening the other

1831 petition for bail for Bartholomew Johnson, prisoner in Lerwick tolbooth

1831 summons by John Robertson merchant, Lerwick to Mr Bourmaster Spence teacher, Graveland

1834 summons by Irvine merchant, Lerwick to Bourmaster Spence, Swarrister

1846 Laurence and John Charleson residing at Effstigarth accused of assault on W Midar age 12, Lerwick

1839 Andrew Williamson, Dalsetter accused of stealing a sheep belonging to Robert Thomason, Windhouse

1846 breach of fishing contract by Wm Smith, fish curer Westsandwick to Basil Henry, Thomas Henry, John Henry and James Smith, Bouster

1848 petition of sequestration by creditors of Gossabrough estate against Basil Jamieson, Hamarsgarth and John Gilbertson, Raga for sums of money

1849 for removing Alexander Jamieson, David Anderson and Robert Scollay, Volister by Robert Niven Spence, Windhouse

1852 petition for liberation on bail (on charge of deforcement) Bartholomew Johnson, Ann Johnson and McGowan Johnson, Raga

1862 assault of John Johnson by Gilbert Mann, Graveland

1863 for removing Charles Anderson, Effstigarth by tacksmen George Hay and Arthur Hay

1865 assault of Henry Henry by Arthur Johnson, Raga with a scythe or other lethal weapon

1870 assault on William Coutts by Joan Robertson, Setter and Jemima Inkster, Gremister when Coutts was carrying out sale of poinded effects

1877 Mrs Smollet charged with neglect of children

1894 petition to prevent Andersons, Effstigarth and Robertsons, Davidsons and Mann, Gremister from cutting taek, pasturing etc on Bouster land