
Project coordination

Digicosme projet "ModestBrood"

MODEling and STeering BRain Oscillations based on in vivo Optogenetics Data

Partners: A. Destexhe (UNIC) and M. Sigalotti (CMAP)

Ph.D. student: J. Orlowski

Starting date: Oct. 2016, Duration: 3 years.

ANR JCJC project "SynchNeuro"

Analysis of pathological brain oscillations onset based on optogenetics data and design of closed-loop stimulation signals

Partners: S. Palfi, S. Senova, K. Hosomi (Hospital Henri Mondor Créteil, CEA MiRCen), C. Pouzat (MAP5), G. Detorakis, D. Da Silva (L2S)

Starting date: Oct. 2013, Duration: 4 years.

Digiteo project "NEUROSYNCH"

Control theory for neural synchrony: analytical conditions for the generation of pathological brain oscillations

Starting date: Sept. 2012, Duration: 3 years.


Automatique et Stimulation électrique: vers l’obtention de lois de commande réalistes pour l’atténuation du tremblement pathologique

Programmes Exploratoires Pluridisciplinaires

Starting date: Jan. 2009, Duration: 2 years.

Project participation

iCODE institute of Paris-Saclay

Institut de l'Université Paris-Saclay pour le Contrôle et la Décision

This institute is founded by University Paris Saclay, and regroups 32 teams in 21 labs involved in teaching or research in Control Theory and Decision. I am assisting Yacine Chitour in the project coordination of iCODE, and I am in charge of the Research Initiative "Control & Neuroscience" with Y. Frégnac and F. Jean.

Starting date: Mar. 2014, Duration: 2,5 years.

FP7 European Network of Excellence "HYCON2"

Highly-complex and networked control systems

Start date: Sept. 2010, Duration: 4 years.