Latest news

Talk at the online seminar on input-to-state stability

Some results and several open questions on ISS for time-delay systems. See the youtube video here.

Interview in Science Magazine and C-news!

At the occasion of the world March for Science, Mélina, Agathe, and I have been interviewed by Science Magazine and C-News TV.

iCODE institute was renewed for a 3-year period !

I am glad to be one of the coordinators of the 'Control & Neuroscience' challenge, and to serve as the deputy coordinator of iCODE.

Full professorship

I have been recruited as a full professor in CentraleSupélec, CNU 61, in October 2016.

IUF membership

I have been appointed Junior Member of Institut Universaire de France for a period of 5 years.

iCODE institute was launched on March 2014

The Paris-Saclay institute for Control and Decision (iCODE) aims at fostering research, training, spin-offs creation and diffusion in Control and Decision. I am glad to be one of the coordinators of the 'Control & Neuroscience' research initiative, and to serve as the assistant project manager of iCODE.

ANR JCJC project SynchNeuro was launched in October 2013

I am glad to coordinate this project on the analysis of pathological brain oscillations onset based on optogenetics data and design of closed-loop stimulation signals. This project is in collaboration with S. Palfi and S. Senova (H. Mondor hospital), C. Pouzat (MAP5 CNRS) and P. Hantraye and R. Aron-Badin (CEA MIRCen).