
I like pixies as a concept for a race, but they have a basic problem: any remotely sensible stats for a pixie will wind up unusable (by PCs) in combat, and in any game where the ST of 1-2 isn't a crippling disadvantage, the same pixie may be problematic in terms of power. Thus, I decided on a weird variant: you don't play an individual pixie, you play a swarm of pixies, on the assumption that they're a hive mind. The result is as follows:

Pixie Swarm (259)

A pixie swarm consists of around 100 pixies (stats below, if it ever matters). When you take damage, assume one pixie is disabled or killed per point of damage taken (if you wish to track, divide the base wound value of the attack among the number of pixies who were hit, so a 2 point impaling wound (normally 4, reduced to 1 by IT) does 4 points of damage to a single (1 HP) pixie, forcing three death checks).

Attribute Modifiers(-90): ST -9 [-90]

Secondary Characteristic Modifiers(61): SM +0 (0), HP +9 [18], Lifting ST +9[18], Move +5[25]

Advantages (298): 360 vision [25]; High Manual Dexterity 4 [20]; Injury Tolerance (Diffuse, Swarm +160%; Poor Infiltration (SM -6) -20%) [240]; Innate Attack (Piercing Attack, 1d-3; Range 20/50, -5%; RoF 100 +250%; Selective Fire +10%; Affects Substantial +40%) [8]; Microscopic Vision 1 [5]

Disadvantages: Impulsive [-10]

Pixie Equipment

Gear for individual pixies is 1/1,000 weight, 1/100 cost, 1/10 damage, 1/10 DR, 1/10 min ST. Gear for a flock of pixies is thus 1/10 weight, 1/10 damage, 1/10 DR, and normal cost. However, it may be used as a RoF 100 attack. There is no particularly easy way of pricing that, but the innate attack given above is typical of pixie weapons, so I felt comfortable calling it a zero point feature.

Lone Pixie

Attribute Modifiers (-190): ST -9 [-90], IQ -5 [-100]

Secondary Characteristic Modifiers (33): SM -6 (0), HP +9 [18], Per +3 [15]

Advantages: Flight (Winged -25%) [30]; Innate Attack(Small Piercing Attack, 1d-3; Range 20/50, -5%)[1]

Disadvantages: Vulnerability (10x damage), Single Target Attacks [-80], Short Lifespan 2 [-20], Rapid Maturation 2 [0]


Note that a single pixie is no more vulnerable to area attacks than a human, but if hit with a single target attack, will probably be killed with a single blow.