Racial Reactions

The twin worlds of Arcanus and Myrror are not models of racial harmony; in fact, many if the races hate one another. The following table indicates reaction modifiers for interacting with another race:

Being a race everyone hates is worth a disadvantage, of course. The default on the races page assumes high men as the average (10 points in negative reactions), and gives a point for every 5 away from that number, as if all other races combined are a large group (half reputation value), and your own is also a large group. This assumes that the PC is not intolerant (even if other people are) and is of a race that is friendly towards the dominant race of the faction the PCs are a part of. If you have a hostile reaction from the dominant race of your faction, that's worth -2.5 points per -1 reaction (same as a bad reputation from a large group); if you are intolerant in a way that matches your general racial biases, the point value is increased (basically, your net is doubled). The cost of reaction modifiers is based on net, as follows: