Present Simple and Present Progressive

Present Simple is used :

►To talk about regular activities, routine, habits:

- Bill has soccer practice twice a week.

- We start school in September.

- Susan takes the bus to school.

►To talk about likes and dislikes:

- Peter likes pop music.

- Jane doesn't like broccoli.

- Most children love chocolate.

► To talk about general truths:

- The sun rises in the east.

- The Earth goes round the sun.

- Bears hibernate during winter.

Present progressive/continuous is used :

● To talk about continuous actions:

1) at the time of speaking :

- I am reading watching TV now.

2) around the time of speaking:

- I am taking French lessons this year.

● To talk about close future plans :

- Next month I am buying a new car.

- My friends are coming to dinner tomorrow night.
