Did you know?

1. There were numerous attempts to explain the origin of the most popular Americanism OK.

My personal favourite is that the phrase comes from the Civil War era (1861. - 1865.). When

troops returned home without any casulties, they would put up a sign "0 KILLED" for all to see.

2. William Shakespeare invented the word assassination.

3. The word "jeep" comes from the abbreviation GP used in the American army for General Purpose


4. Los Angeles's full name is "El Pueblo de Nuestra Senora la Reina de los Angeles de

Porciuncula" but it's usually referred to as L.A.

5. New York was named after the Duke of York, brother of King Charles who ruled America at the


6. Most frequently used English words are, in order of their frequency: THE, OF, AND, TO, A, IN,


7. The word triskaidekaphobia describes the fear of number 13 and is also used to refer to the

specific fear of Friday the 13th.