

Andréia Formico (updated November 2014)

COPYRIGHT NOTICE: The following material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without permission of the copyright holder.


  • Edimo Sousa Silva, Maria Andréia Formico Rodrigues. Design and Evaluation of a Gesture-Controlled System for Interactive Manipulation of Medical Images and 3D Models. SBC Journal on 3D Interactive Systems, v. 5, p. 53-65, 2014.

  • Valente de MACEDO, Maria Andréia Formico RODRIGUES, Vasco FURTADO, Elizabeth Sucupira FURTADO, Daniel Almeida CHAGAS. Using and Evaluating Augmented Reality for Mobile Data Visualization in Real Estate Classified Ads. International Journal of Computers & Applications, Acta Press, 2014. [PDF]

  • Joyce Horn FONTELES, Maria Andréia Formico RODRIGUES, Vitor E. BASSO. Creating and Evaluating a Particle System for Music Visualization. Journal of Visual Languages and Computing, Elsevier, v. 24, p. 472-482, 2013. [PDF]

  • Yvens Rebouças SERPA, Maria Andréia Formico RODRIGUES. Análise de Walkthroughs em Cenários 3D de um Jogo Utilizando Algoritmos de Visibilidade e Estruturas de Particionamento Espacial. Revista Eletrônica de Iniciação Científica (REIC), SBC, v. 13, p. 1-13, 2013.

  • Andréia Formico RODRIGUES, Rafael Garcia BARBOSA, Nabor C. MENDONÇA. Interactive Navigation and Exploration of Virtual Environments on Handheld Devices. International Journal of Handheld Computing Research (IJHCR), v. 3, p. 67-86, 2012. [PDF]

  • Daniel Valente de MACEDO, Maria Andréia Formico RODRIGUES. Experiences with Rapid Mobile Game Development using Unity Engine. Computers in Entertainment (ACM CIE), v. 9, p. 1-12, 2011. [PDF]

  • Wendel B. SILVA, Maria Andréia Formico RODRIGUES. Interactive Rendering of Indoor and Urban Environments on Handheld Devices by Combining Visibility Algorithms with Spatial Data Structures. International Journal of Handheld Computing Research, v. 2, p. 55-71, 2011. [PDF]

  • Nabor C. Mendonça, Cleiton F. Silva, Ian G. Maia, Maria Andréia Formico Rodrigues, Marco Túlio O. Valente. A Loosely Coupled Aspect Language for SOA Applications. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, v. 18, p. 243-262, 2008. [PDF]

  • Maria Andréia Formico RODRIGUES, Wendel B. SILVA, Milton E. BARBOSA NETO, Duncan F. GILLIES, Isabel M.M.P. RIBEIRO. An Interactive Simulation System for Training and Treatment Planning in Orthodontics. Computers & Graphics, Elsevier, v. 31, p. 688-697, 2007. [PDF]

  • Rafael S. ROCHA, Maria Andréia Formico RODRIGUES. Análise de Desempenho de Algoritmos de Colisão Broad e Narrow Phases em Ambientes Gráficos Interativos. Revista Eletrônica de Iniciação Científica (REIC), SBC, v. ANO VII, p. 1-10, 2007. [PDF]

  • Rafael S. ROCHA, Maria Andréia Formico RODRIGUES. Detecção de Colisão Broad Phase Utilizando Grids Para Ambientes Interativos. Revista Eletrônica de Iniciação Científica (REIC), SBC, v. ANO VI, No. II, p. 1-17, 2006. [PDF]

    • Maria Andréia Formico RODRIGUES, Rafael Garcia BARBOSA, Wendel B. SILVA. Desenvolvimento de Aplicações 3D para Dispositivos Móveis utilizando as APIs M3G e OpenGL ES. Revista de Informática Teórica e Aplicada (RITA), Instituto de Informática da UFRGS, v. XIII, p. 69-102, 2006. [PDF]

  • Maria Andréia Formico RODRIGUES. Guest Editorial: Selected Papers from the 18th Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing (SIBGRAPI'05). Computer Graphics Forum, Blackwell, v. 25, p. 673-674, 2006. [PDF]

  • Maria Andréia Formico RODRIGUES, Duncan F. GILLIES, Peter CHARTERS. Realistic Computer Graphics Models for Simulation and Training of Cirurgical Procedures. Revista Tecnologia (UNIFOR), Fortaleza-CE, v. 24, n. 1, p. 37-44, 2003.

  • Maria Andréia Formico RODRIGUES, Duncan F. GILLIES, Y.F. LAM, Peter CHARTERS, Peter GROOM. Realistic Deformable Models for Simulating the Procedure of Laryngoscopy. Anesthesia and Analgesia, v. -, p. -, 2002.

  • Maria Andréia Formico RODRIGUES, Duncan F. GILLIES, Peter CHARTERS. A Biomechanical Model of the Upper Airways for Simulating Laryngoscopy. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, Gordon & Breach PubIishing Group, v. 4, n. 2, p. 127-148, 2001.

  • Maria Andréia Formico RODRIGUES. Aplicações Gráficas em Medicina: Técnicas e Modelos Realistas de Deformação. Revista de Informática Teórica e Aplicada (RITA), Instituto de Informática da UFGRS, v. VII, n. 2, p. 89-103, 2000.

  • Maria Andréia Formico RODRIGUES, Duncan F. GILLIES, Peter CHARTERS. Development of a Physical Model of the Laryngoscopy Procedure. British Journal of Anaesthesia, Oxford, v. 82, p. 464, 1999.

  • Maria Andréia Formico RODRIGUES, Duncan F. GILLIES, Peter CHARTERS. Modelling and Simulation of the Tongue During Laryngoscopy. Computer Networks and ISDN Systems, Elsevier, v. 30, n. 20, p. 2037-2045, 1998.

  • Peter CHARTERS, Peter GROOM, Maria Andréia Formico RODRIGUES, Duncan F. GILLIES. An Updated 2D Model for Anatomical/Blade Interaction in Tracheal Intubation. British Journal of Anaesthesia, Oxford, v. 81, p. 638, 1998.

  • Maria Andréia Formico RODRIGUES, Duncan F. GILLIES, Peter CHARTERS, R. MARKS. Development of a Computer System for Prediction of Difficult Laryngoscopy. British Journal of Anaesthesia, Oxford, v. 78, p. 466-467, 1997.

Conference Proceedings Edited

  • Maria Andréia Formico RODRIGUES, Alejandro C. FRERY. Proceedings of SIBGRAPI 2005. Los Alamitos, California: IEEE Computer Society Press, 2005, v. 1, 400 pages.

Chapter Book

  • Maria Andréia Formico RODRIGUES, Raimir HOLANDA FILHO. Collaborative Virtual Environments and Multimedia Communication Technologies in Healthcare. In: Athina A. Lazakidou; Konstantinos M. Siassiakos. (Org.). Handbook of Research on Distributed Medical Informatics and E-Health. Section VIII: Virtual Environments in Health Care. Chapter XXVIII. USA e United Kingdom: IGI Global, 2009, p. 399-409. [PDF]

Refereed Conference Publications (full papers)

  • Maria Andréia Formico RODRIGUES, Daniel V. MACEDO, Herleson P. PONTES, Yvens R. SERPA, Ygor R. SERPA. A Serious Game to Improve Posture and Spinal Health While Having Fun. In: IEEE SeGAH 2016 (4th International Conference on Serious Games and Applications for Health), Orlando, FL-USA, 2016. [PDF]

    • Daniel Valente de MACEDO, Maria Andréia Formico RODRIGUES. Realistic Rendering in 3D Walkthroughs with High Quality Fast Reflections. In: XIV Sympósio Brasileiro de Jogos e Entretenimento Digital (SBGAMES), Trilha de Computação, Teresina-PI, SBC, v. 1, p. 9-15, 2015. [PDF]

  • Marcus Antonius L. PINTO, Yvens R. SERPA, Maria Andréia F. RODRIGUES. Visualização de Arquiteturas 3D Realistas sob a Influência de Efeitos Visuais Otimizados para Jogos Digitais. In: XIV Sympósio Brasileiro de Jogos e Entretenimento Digital (SBGAMES), Trilha de Arte & Design, Teresina-PI, SBC, v. 1, p. 632-640, 2015.[PDF]

  • Maria Andréia Formico Rodrigues, Daniel Valente de Macedo, Yvens Rebouças Serpa, Ygor Rebouças Serpa. Beyond Fun: An Interactive and Educational 3D Traffic Rules Game Controlled by Non-traditional Devices. In: The 30th ACM Symposium On Applied Computing, 2015, Salamanca, Spain. Proceedings of the ACM SAC 2015. New York, USA: ACM, 2015. v. 1. p. 239-246.

    • Joyce Horn Fonteles, Maria Andréia Formico Rodrigues. Gesture Interaction and Evaluation Using the Leap Motion for Medical Visualization. In: XVII Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality (SVR), 2015, São Paulo, SP. 2015 XVII Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality, 2015. v. 1.

  • Maria Andréia Formico RODRIGUES, Daniel Valente de MACEDO, Yvens Rebouças SERPA, Cláudio MARTINS, Pedro CANDOLO, Thiago GOBET, Ygor Rebouças SERPA, Leandro SECUNDINO. Combatendo a Halitose: Um Serious Game Multiplataforma em Saúde Bucal. In: XIII Sympósio Brasileiro de Jogos e Entretenimento Digital (SBGAMES), Trilha de Arte & Design, 2014, Porto Alegre, SBC, v. 1, p. 210-219.

  • Marcus PINTO, Maria Andréia Formico RODRIGUES. Design 3D de Ambientes Externos Digitais Foto-Realistas. In: XIII Sympósio Brasileiro de Jogos e Entretenimento Digital (SBGAMES), Trilha de Arte & Design, 2014, Porto Alegre, SBC, v. 1, p. 73-82.

  • Ygor Rebouças SERPA, Maria Andréia Formico RODRIGUES. Parallelizing Broad Phase Collision Detection for Animation in Games: A Performance Comparison of CPU and GPU Algorithms. In: XIII Sympósio Brasileiro de Jogos e Entretenimento Digital (SBGAMES), Trilha de Computação, (disponível também no IEEE Xplore), Porto Alegre, SBC, v. 1, p. 770-779, 2014.

  • Sousa SILVA, Maria Andréia Formico RODRIGUES. A Gesture Control System for Aiding Surgical Procedures. In: XVI Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality (SVR), Salvador, BA, Brasil. Anais do 2014 XVI Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality. IEEE, 2014, v. 1, p. 287-296.

  • Joyce Fonteles HORN, Maria Andréia Formico RODRIGUES, Victor E. BASSO. Real-Time Animations of Virtual Fountains on a Particle System for Visualizing the Musical Structure. In: XVI Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality (SVR), Salvador, BA, Brasil. Anais do 2014 XVI Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality. IEEE, 2014, v. 1, p. 171-180.

  • Daniel Valente de MACEDO, Yvens Rebouças SERPA, Ygor Rebouças SERPA, Augusto P. ABREU, Maria Andréia Formico RODRIGUES. IntEducaTrânsito: Um Jogo 3D Interativo e Educativo Sobre as Normas de Trânsito Controlado por Dispositivos Não Tradicionais. In: XII Simpósio Brasileiro de Games e Entretenimento Digital, Trilha de Arte e Design, 2013, São Paulo, SP. Anais do SBGames 2013, 2013.

  • Átila Einstein OLIVEIRA, Yvens Rebouças SERPA, Ygor Rebouças SERPA, Augusto P. ABREU, Daniel Valente de MACEDO, Maria Andréia Formico RODRIGUES. Visualização Interativa 3D e Simulação de Dinâmica de Acidentes de Trânsito em Forense Utilizando a Blender Game Engine em um Serious Game. In: XII Simpósio Brasileiro de Games e Entretenimento Digital, Trilha de Arte e Design, 2013, São Paulo, SP. Anais do SBGames, 2013.

  • Yvens Rebouças SERPA, Maria Andréia Formico RODRIGUES. Comparando Estruturas de Particionamento Espacial e Algoritmos de Visibilidade em Walkthroughs por Ambientes 3D de um Jogo. In: Workshop of Undergraduate Works (WUW) do 26th SIBGRAPI (Conference on Graphics, Patterns, and Images), 2013, Arequipa, Peru. WUW eproceedings 2013, 2013.

  • Ygor Rebouças SERPA, Maria Andréia Formico RODRIGUES. Estudo Comparativo entre Algoritmos para Detecção de Colisão Broadphase em CPU e GPU na Bullet. In: Workshop of Undergraduate Works (WUW) do 26th SIBGRAPI (Conference on Graphics, Patterns, and Images), 2013, Arequipa, Peru. WUW eproceedings, 2013.

  • Maria Andréia Formico RODRIGUES, Daniel Valente de MACEDO, Herleson Paiva PONTES, Yvens Rebouças SERPA. LERDORT: Um Serious Game para Correção de Desvios Posturais e Fixação de Sequências de Alongamento. In: XI Simpósio Brasileiro de Games e Entretenimento Digital (SBGames), 2012, Brasília-DF.

    • Daniel Valente de MACEDO, Maria Andréia Formico RODRIGUES. Experiências com Desenvolvimento Ágil de um Jogo Casual para Plataformas Móveis usando o Motor Gráfico Unity. In: XI Simpósio Brasileiro de Games e Entretenimento Digital (SBGames), 2012, Brasília-DF.

  • Wendel B. SILVA, Maria Andréia Formico RODRIGUES. A Lightweight 3D Visualization and Navigation System on Handheld Devices. In: 24th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (ACM SAC 2009), Special Track on Mobile Computing and Applications Track, 2009, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. Proceedings of ACM SAC 2009. New York, NY, USA : ACM Press, 2009. [PDF]

  • Andréia Formico RODRIGUES, Wendel B. SILVA, Rafael Garcia BARBOSA, Isabel M.M.P. RIBEIRO, Milton E. BARBOSA NETO. J-Ortho: An Open-Source Orthodontic Treatment Simulator. In Proceedings of the 21st Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (ACM SAC'06), Special Track on Computer Applications in Health Care, 2006, Dijon, France. New York, EUA: ACM Press, 2006, v. 1, p. 245-249. [PDF]

    • Maria Andréia Formico RODRIGUES, Rafael S. ROCHA, Wendel B. SILVA. Interactive and Accurate Collision Detection in Virtual Orthodontics. In: 14th Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments (EGVE 2008), 2008, The Netherlands. Proceedings of EGVE 2008. Germany: Eurographics Association, 2008. p. 65-72. [PDF]

    • Rafael S. ROCHA, Maria Andréia Formico RODRIGUES. An Evaluation of a Collision Handling System using Sphere-Trees for Plausible Rigid Body Animation. In Proceedings of the 23rd Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (ACM SAC 2008), Special Track on Multimedia and Visualization, 2008, Fortaleza, CE, Brazil. Proceedings of SAC 2008. New York, EUA: ACM Press, 2008, V. 2, p. 1241-1245. [PDF]

  • Maria Andréia Formico RODRIGUES, Ricardo R.C. CHAVES. Performance and User Based Analysis of a Collaborative Virtual Environment System. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques in Australasia and Southeast Asia (GRAPHITE´07), 2007, p. 195-202, Perth, Western Australia: ACM Press. [PDF]

  • Rafael Garcia BARBOSA, Maria Andréia Formico RODRIGUES. Um Framework para Navegação em Ambientes Virtuais utilizando Dispositivos Móveis. In Proceedings of the IX Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality (SVR'07), 2007, Petrópolis, RJ, Brazil, pp. 162-169. [PDF]

  • Rafael S. ROCHA, Maria Andréia Formico RODRIGUES. Análise de Desempenho de Algoritmos para Detecção de Colisão em Ambientes Gráficos Interativos. In Proceedings of the XXVI Concurso de Trabalhos de Iniciação Científica (CTIC), Integrant Event of the XXVII Congresso da SBC, 2007, Rio de Janeiro, RJ.

  • Maria Andréia Formico RODRIGUES, Rafael Garcia BARBOSA, Nabor C. MENDONÇA. Interactive Mobile 3D Graphics for On-the-go Visualization and Walkthroughs. In Proceedings of the 21st Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (ACM SAC'06), Special Track on Handheld Computing, 2006, Dijon, France. New York, NY, USA: ACM Press, 2006. v. 2., p. 1002-1007. [PDF]

  • Maria Andréia Formico RODRIGUES, Wendel B. SILVA, Milton E. BARBOSA NETO, Isabel M.M.P. RIBEIRO. Um Sistema de Realidade Virtual para Tratamento Ortodôntico. In Proceedings of the VIII Simposium on Virtual Reality (SVR'06), 2006, Belém, PA, Brazil. CESUPA, v. 1, p. 433-444. [PDF]

  • Rafael S. ROCHA, Maria Andréia Formico RODRIGUES, Leandro S. TADDEO. Performance Evaluation of a Hybrid Algorithm for Collision Detection in Crowded Interactive Environments. In Proceedings of the XIX Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing (SIBGRAPI'06), Manaus, AM, Brazil, October 2006. Los Alamitos, CA, EUA: IEEE CS Press, 2006. v. 1, p. 86-93. [PDF]

  • Rafael S. ROCHA, Maria Andréia Formico RODRIGUES. Investigating Broad Phase Collision Detection Methods for 3D Scenarios Using Force Feedback Devices. In Proceedings of the XXXII Conferência Latino-Americana de Informática - CLEI'06 (digital media), 2006, Santiago do Chile, Chile, August 2006. [PDF]

  • Rafael Garcia BARBOSA, Maria Andréia Formico RODRIGUES. Supporting Guided Navigation in Mobile Virtual Environments. In Proceedings of the 13th ACM Symposium Virtual Reality Software and Technology (ACM VRST'06), Limassol, Cyprus, November 2006. New York, EUA: ACM Press, 2006. v. 1, p. 220-226. [PDF]

  • Rafael S. ROCHA, Maria Andréia Formico RODRIGUES. Ambientes Interativos com Detecção de Colisão Broad Phase Utilizando Grids. In Proceedings of the III Workshop de Iniciação Científica (WIC'05), Integrant Event of the XVIII SIBGRAPI (digital media), 2005, Natal, RN, Brazil, p. 1-8.

  • Rafael Garcia BARBOSA, Maria Andréia Formico RODRIGUES, Nabor C. MENDONÇA. Ambientes Virtuais Colaborativos para Dispositivos Móveis. In Proceedings of the IV Workshop of Theses and Dissertationsin Computer Graphics and Image Processing (WTD'05), Integrant Event of the XVIII SIBGRAPI (digital media), 2005, Natal, RN, Brazil, p. 1-7.

  • Maria Andréia Formico RODRIGUES, Rafael Garcia BARBOSA, Milton E. BARBOSA NETO, Isabel I.M.M.P RIBEIRO. A Framework for Orthodontic Treatment Simulation. In Proceedings of the IV Workshop de Informática Médica (WIM'04), Integrant Event of the III SBQS (digital media), 2004, Brasília, DF, Brazil.

  • Maria Andréia Formico RODRIGUES, Ricardo R.C. CHAVES, Wendel B. SILVA. Collaborative Virtual Training Using Force Feedback Devices. In Proceedings of the XVII Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing (SIBGRAPI'04) and II Ibero-American Symposium on Computer Graphics (SIAG'04), 2004, Curitiba, PR, Brazil. Los Alamitos, CA, EUA: IEEE CS Press, v. 1, p. 332-339.

  • Wendel B. SILVA, Maria Andréia Formico RODRIGUES. Percepção de Forças de Contato e Texturas em Ambientes de Realidade Virtual. In Proceedings of the I Workshop de Iniciação Científica (WIC'04), Integrant Event of the VII Simpósio de Realidade Virtual - SVR'04 (digital media), SBC, 2004, São Paulo, SP, Brazil: Plêiade.

  • Maria Andréia Formico RODRIGUES, Milton E. BARBOSA NETO, Isabel M.M.P. RIBEIRO. Development of a Computer Based System for Simulation of Orthodontic Treatments. In Proceedings of the III Workshop de Informática Médica (WIM'03), Interant Event of the II SBQS (digital media), SBC, 2003, Fortaleza-CE, Brazil.

  • Rafael Garcia BARBOSA, Maria Andréia Formico RODRIGUES. Morphing de Imagens: Uma Abordagem Comparativa entre Algoritmos. In Proceedings of the I Workshop de Iniciação Científica (WICCGPI), Integrant Event of the XVI SIBGRAPI (digital media), p. 47-54, SBC, 2003, São Carlos, SP.

  • Maria Andréia Formico RODRIGUES, Duncan F. GILLIES, Peter CHARTERS. A Computer Based Training System for Realistic Simulation of Laryngoscopy. In Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics & Biomedical Engineering, 2002, Rome, Italy. Wales, UK: Gordon and Breach, Edited by J. Middleton, NG Shrive and ML Jones, 2002.

  • Maria Andréia Formico RODRIGUES. Aplicações de Novas Tecnologias de Computação para Simulação e Treinamento de Procedimentos Cirúrgicos. In Proceedings of the XXIX Seminário Integrado de Software e Hardware (SEMISH'02), XXII Congresso da SBC, 2002, Florianópolis-SC.

  • Maria Andréia Formico RODRIGUES, José Gilvan R. MAIA, Nabor C. MENDONÇA, Francisco J.E. CHAVES. Um Ambiente Interativo Distribuído para Simulação de Procedimentos Cirúrgicos. In Proceedings of the V Symposium on Virtual Reality (SVR'02), 2002, Fortaleza-CE. SBC, p. 179-190.

  • Maria Andréia Formico RODRIGUES, José Gilvan R. MAIA, Nabor C. MENDONÇA. Simulação de Procedimentos Médicos Usando Java e Tecnologias da Web. In Proceedings of the II Workshop de Informática Médica (digital media), Integrant Event of the Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software (SBES), 2002, Gramado-RGS.

  • Maria Andréia Formico RODRIGUES, Duncan F. GILLIES, Y.F. LAM, Peter CHARTERS, Peter GROOM. Realistic Deformable Models for Simulating the Procedure of Laryngoscopy. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Meeting on Medical Simulation, 2002, Santa Clara-CA, USA.

  • Maria Andréia Formico RODRIGUES, Duncan F. GILLIES, Peter CHARTERS. Realistic Deformable Models for Simulating the Tongue during Laryngoscopy. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop on Medical Imaging and Augmented Reality (MIAR'01), 2001, Shatin, Hong Kong, China, p. 125-130.

  • Maria Andréia Formico RODRIGUES. A Computer Based Laryngoscopy System for Simulation and Training. In Proceedings of the I Workshop de Informática Médica (WIM'01), 2001, Rio de Janeiro-RJ.

  • Maria Andréia Formico RODRIGUES, Duncan F. GILLIES, P. CHARTERS. A Finite Element Study of the Biomechanics of the Tongue During Laryngoscopy. In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Computational Graphics and Visualization Techniques (COMPUGRAPHICS'97), 1997, December, Algarve, Portugal, p. 184-192.

  • Maria Andréia Formico RODRIGUES, Duncan F. GILLIES, Peter CHARTERS, Peter GROOM. Computer Modelling of Difficult Laryngoscopy. In Proceedings of the Difficult Airway Research Society Meeting (DARSM'97), 1997, London, UK, p. 15-30.

  • Maria Andréia Formico RODRIGUES, Duncan F. GILLIES, Peter CHARTERS, R. MARKS. Computer Assisted Pre-operative Laryngoscopy. In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Computational Graphics and Visualization Techniques (COMPUGRAPHICS'96), 1996, December, Paris, France, p. 114-120.

  • Maria Andréia Formico RODRIGUES, Léo Pini MAGALHÃES. ANIMADO: Um Protótipo de um Sistema de Animação Modelada por Dinâmica. In Proceedings of the VI Simpósio Brasileiro de Computação Gráfica e Processamento de Imagens (SIBGRAPI'93), 1993, Recife-PE, p. 107-115.

Refereed Conference Publications (short papers)

  • Wendel B. SILVA, Hannah M. BAYER, Paul W. GLIMCHER, Maria Andréia Formico RODRIGUES. Location-aware Gaming Experience using Bluetooth Smart. In: XIV Sympósio Brasileiro de Jogos e Entretenimento Digital (SBGAMES), Trilha de Computação, Teresina-PI, SBC, v. 1, p. 216-219, 2015.

  • Maria Andréia Formico RODRIGUES, Daniel V. MACEDO, Yvens R. SERPA, Ygor R. SERPA, Cláudio MARTINS, Pedro H.T. CANDOLO, Thiago GOBET, Leandro F. SECUNDINO, Pedro H.B. PINHEIRO, Marcelo S. BASTOS, João H.L.S.P. BEZERRA. Um Serious Game em Saúde Bucal Contra o Tártaro. In: XIV Sympósio Brasileiro de Jogos e Entretenimento Digital (SBGAMES), Trilha de Arte & Design, Teresina-PI, SBC, v. 1, p. 699-702, 2015.

    • Daniel Valente de MACEDO, Maria Andréia Formico RODRIGUES. A Hybrid Rendering Engine for Generating Real-Time Dynamic Shadows in Computer Games. In: XIII Sympósio Brasileiro de Jogos e Entretenimento Digital (SBGAMES), Trilha de Computação, Porto Alegre, SBC, v. 1, p. 938-941, 2014.

  • Ronaldo de Sousa MOREIRA, Maria Andréia Formico RODRIGUES. Animation of Articulated Figures Controlled by Inverse Kinematics with Style. In Proceedings of the XVI Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality (SVR), (disponível também no IEEE Xplore), p. 20-23, Salvador, BA, 2014.

  • Daniel Valente de MACEDO, Maria Andréia Formico RODRIGUES. Criação de Arte Usando um Dispositivo Háptico para Pintura Digital Interativa. In Proceedings of the XV Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality (disponível também no IEEE Xplore), p. 288-291, Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, 2013.

  • Maria Andréia Formico RODRIGUES, Ricardo C.C. RÉGIS, Wendel B. SILVA. Integração de Dispositivos de Force Feedback no Desenvolvimento de Ambientes Virtuais Colaborativos. In Proceedings of the VII Symposium on Virtual Reality (SVR'04), SBC, 2004, São Paulo-SP. Plêiade, p. 401-401.

  • Maria Andréia Formico RODRIGUES. Development of a Physical Model of the Laryngoscopy Procedure. In Proceedings of the British Anaesthetic Research Society Meeting (ARSM'98), 1998, London, UK, p. 5-5.

  • Maria Andréia Formico RODRIGUES. An Updated 2D Model for Anatomical Blade Interaction in Tracheal Intubation. In Proceedings of the British Anaesthetic Research Society Meeting (ARSM'97), 1997, London, UK, p. 53-53.

  • Maria Andréia Formico RODRIGUES. Predicting Difficult Anaesthesia. In Proceedings of the British Anaesthetic Research Society Meeting (ARSM'96), 1996, London, UK, p. 21-21.

  • Maria Andréia Formico RODRIGUES. Cálculo Diferencial e Integral Aplicado ao Ciclo de Vida de um Produto. In Proceedings of the I Congresso Nacional de Iniciação Científica em Matemática (CNICM'88), 1988, Rio de Janeiro-RJ, p. 25-25.


  • Maria Andréia Formico RODRIGUES. O que faz o profissional de Computação Gráfica? Revista SBC-Horizontes, SBC. Volume 2, Number 3, p. 32-35, Dezembro 2009, Brazil. [PDF]


  • Maria Andréia Formico RODRIGUES. Deformable Models for Simulating the Upper Airways during Laryngoscopy. PhD Thesis, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, University of London, London, UK. 1999.

  • Maria Andréia Formico RODRIGUES. ANIMADO: A Prototype System for Animation Modelled by Dynamics (in portuguese: ANIMADO: Um Protótipo de um Sistema de Animação Modelada por Dinâmica). MSc Thesis, State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Campinas-SP, Brazil. 1993.

Other Publications

  • Maria Andréia Formico RODRIGUES. Almas Vivas. Book of Poems, São Paulo-SP, Brazil, 1988. Biblioteca Nacional do Rio de Janeiro, folha 225, livro 51, registro 44.652.

@ 2014 Andréia Formico, all rights reserved.