Research projects 2010-2011 مشاريع التخرج لعام 2010-2011

قام قسم العلوم الطبية المخبرية بكلية العلوم بمناقشة عدد من مشاريع التخرج لطالبات القسم في حضور كل من نائب عميد كلية العلوم د. زياد ابوهين ورئيس القسم أ. أحمد سلمي ود. عبدالرؤوف المناعمة استاذ مساق اساليب البحث ومنسق مشاريع التخرج وعدد من أعضاء الهيئة التدريسية والادارية في القسم وبحضور لافت من طالبات القسم وذويهم. تم مناقشة ثمانية مشاريع تخرج و جميعها ابحاث تطبيقية تلمس الجانب الصحي في قطاع غزة.

أظهرت إحدى الدراسات ان اكثر من 80% من مقابض الابواب في احد مشافي قطاع غزة تحتوي على ميكروبات تم التعرف على بعض الممرضات منها وانها ايضاً مقاومة للمضادات الحيوية. ودراسة أخرى أظهرت انخفاضاً ملحوظاً في نسب الاصابة بمرض السل الرئوي في دراسة أجريت على بيانات من سنة 2000-2010 و دراسة أخرى استطاعت الباحثات من خلالها إثبات فعالية بعض النباتات في القضاء على مجموعة من الميكروبات الممرضة من هذه النباتات قشر الرمان والكركديه والحناء والصبار. وفي دراسة نوعية استطاعت الباحثات عزل بكتيريا لها القدرة على تكوين كربونات الكالسيوم التي من شأنها ان تستخدم في تطبيقات عديدة في مجالات تحسين التربة والبناء والطرق. وتطرقت احدى الدراسات الى العوامل المؤثرة على مستوى فقر الدم بين النساء الحوامل في قطاع غزة واخرى تطرقت الى انتشار الطفيليات الممرضة في مخيمات اللاجئين في قطاع غزة واظهرت هذه الدراسة ان العام 2010 شهد تحسناً ملحوظاً. وفي دراسة مثيرة أجريت باستطلاع 400 شخص أظهرت أن ما نسبته 70% من المستطلعة آرائهم يتناولون المضادات الحيوية دون استشارة طبيب.من جانبه أوضح منسق مشاريع التخرج الدكتور عبدالرؤوف المناعمة أهمية تدريب الطلبة على البحث العلمي في مرحلة البكالوريوس وطالب بتوفير كل الامكانات التي من شأنها ان توفر الجو المناسب للبحث العلمي.وشدد رئيس قسم العلوم الطبية المخبرية الاستاذ أحمد سلمي على ان قسم العلوم الطبية المخبرية يهتم بنوعية الخريجين وانه يقوم على متابعتهم على المستوى الشخصي و الوظيفي وتحدث عن انجازات القسم في الاعوام القليلة الماضية.من ناحيته أشاد نائب عميد كلية العلوم الدكتور زياد أبو هين بمستوى الابحاث المقدمة للمناقشة وافاد انه يمكن مقارنتها بأبحاث الماجستير من ناحية عنوانيها وحجم العمل وأكد ايضاً على أهمية البحث العلمي والدور الرائد لكلية العلوم في هذا المجال.


Amany A. Al yazji

Nedaa A. Abu Ganema

Antibacterial, Antifungal and Synergistic Effect of Selected Medicinal Plants.


Abdelraouf A. Elmanama (Ph. D Microbiology)

The purpose of this study is to screen some medicinal plant extracts that could be useful for the development of new tools as antimicrobial agents for the control of infectious diseases. Due to the growing problem of worldwide antibacterial resistance this study may help the world to reduce the amount of synthetic antibiotic that used. Using the medicinal plant in synthesis the drug will cause to reduce the problem of bacterial resistance due to using natural resource from the environment. If the medicinal plant was used with antibiotic this will increase the efficiency of the medicine in treatment the disease by small concentration from the drug and prevent the progression the resistant bacterial and fungi for the drug.

There are nosocomial infectious bacteria like the Staphylococcus aureus which no know antibiotics kill. It would be crucial to find an alternative use of potential killer for these types of bacteria. The objective is the possibility of finding natural alternatives for nosocomial infectious bacteria and/or no known antibiotic can destroy it. This is because industrially produced drugs are too expensive for some sectors of the farming community especially in the developing world.

Medicinal plants are often cheaper and more easily available than the commercially produced drugs. This situation forced scientists to search for new antimicrobial substances. Therefore, there is a need to develop alternative antimicrobial drugs for the treatment of infectious diseases from medicinal plants.

Occurrence of Intestinal Parasites in Seawater Contaminated with Sewage along Gaza City Beach.


Gassan Elshorafa


Adnan H. Al-Hindi (Ph. D Parasitology)

No doubt that the intestinal parasites play an essential role in causing wide range of diseases in our society and our life. The major source of intestinal parasite is sewage. In the recent years the seawater of the Mediterranean has been exposed to large amounts of sewage (treated, partially treated and untreated). This expose the beach goers to infections with parasites especially children and pregnant women. This anomaly constitutes a major social and emotional problem. And we all know that the intestinal parasites infect many human body part especially digestive system causing diarrhea, vomiting, nausea stomach and intestinal ulcers and many organ abscesses and in some caseslead to death. and I conducted this study to present recommendations to the Ministry of Health to work on solvingthe problem of sewage in the Gaza Strip and the protection of citizens and the environment from this disaster and also to make the prevalence of the intestinal parasites in sea water which contaminated with waste water to be clearly known to the decision maker in the Municipality of Gaza To make the prevalence of these parasites clear to the people and instruct them to protect themselves from infection. I have collected data on the locations of sewagepipes that flow into the Sea of Gaza from Municipality of Gaza. And I started to collect sea water and sewage samples assess the parasites.

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Ala’a Agha kurdi.

Amal Mattar.

Mona abo hasera.

Nour abo Taem.


Abdelraouf A. Elmanama (Ph. D Microbiology)

Characterization of Urease-Producing and Calcifying bacteria isolated from urea rich soils.

If anyone think that rocks need millions of years to form, this vision is not true. It may occur in a much less time; it may be done in a few days. It’s really not a joke.

It is a fingerprint of bacteria, that has never been isolated in Gaza strip before, can be used for" their ability to produce a cementing agent that would bind sand particles together forming rock, this bacteria what is known as “Sporosarcina ureae“ has an enzyme hydrolysis urea and when this hydrolysis occurs in calcium rich environment it generate binding calcite cement

So, in this study we focused our effort to gain reproducible result in special objectives, to To isolate Sporosarcina ureae strains from urea rich fertilized soil, culture it on specialized media, and study the effect of this bacteria on sand solidification.

The advantage of our study is to develop an industrially suitable cost-effective microbial process for the productive of ureas active cells and investigate the potential for urease active cell to act as a catalyst for the production of biocement, and great significants include stabilization of soil against erosions, strengthening and repair of stone structures and mountain, rehabilitation of concrete, dust suppression through agglomeration of fine particles, biocementation of sands for liquefaction resistance, and Construction of carvings.

Antimicrobial Resistance of Bacterial Contaminant of hospitals Door Knobs.

Our environment is full of microorganisms which are not be seen by necked eye , some of these may by pathogenic and some are non pathogenic; although using a lot of method for cleaning , sterilization of environmental surfaces

It is play an important role in transmission of pathogens specially healthcare-associated pathogens .

Numerous studies have shown that hospital surfaces and frequently used medical equipment become contaminated by a variety of pathogenic and nonpathogenic organisms.

The hands of healthcare workers readily acquire pathogens after contact with contaminated hospital surfaces such medical equipments, Medical devices, beds of patint ,gloves ,bath rooms, and door knobs which can transfer these organisms to subsequently touched patients and inanimate surfaces.

Pathogens that have been linked to transmission via contaminated environmental surfaces and medical equipment include MRSA, VRE, Clostridium difficile, Acinetobacter spp and, these organisms pose clinically important antimicrobial resistance problems and are among the most common causes of HAIs in intensivecare units.

In these study we focus on door knobs bacterial contamination on Shifa hospital department ,because of using it a lot by patients, doctors and hospital staff .so we collected 100sample from hospital department ,cultured and identified by a lot of microbiological method.

In these study has shown that shifa hospital door konbs become contaminated by a variety of pathogenic and nonpathogenic organisms like methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), klebsiella pneumoniae, aeromonas hydrophila, pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Our recommendations is to increase health awareness and to in cleaning rates Recommendations is to increaseHealth awareness and increased rates of hygiene in hospitals as to ensure the safety of the community spread ofepidemics and diseases.


Eman M. Qwaider,

Fatma M. Hajjaj,

Haneen Z. Abu Rasas,

Lobna A. Snuono

Supervisor: Abdelraouf A.Elmanama(Ph. D Microbiology)


Nazir Shabaan

Urinary tract infections (UTI) among patients attending Al-Shifa Hospital, Palestine, Gaza Strip.


Abdelraouf A. Elmanama (Ph. D Microbiology)

The prevalence of Urinary Tract Infections (UTI) was evaluated in one thousand and four hundred patients attending Al-Shifa Hospital, Gaza Strip. Results showed 975 ( 69.7%) patients were positive. The most common organisms were Escherichia coli, Streptococcus, Staphylococcus aureus, and Klebsiella.


Ansam M. Abu-Watfa

Huda M. Al-Kashif


Adnan H. Al-Hindi (Ph. D Parasitology)


Hana'a S. Mizyed , Azza M. El-triny , Arwa A.Abo_ hasna, Nariman H.EL_rantisy

Monitring the Occurrence of Intestinal Parasites Among Pregnant Women in Gaza

Intestinal parasitic infections are endemic worldwide and still exist in Gaza Strip cause of illness and disease. Poverty, illiteracy, poor hygiene, lack of access topotable water and hot and humid tropical climate arethe factors associated with intestinal parasitic infections. Parasitic protozoa and helminths are responsible for some of the most devastating and prevalent diseases of humans.

This study aim to determine the prevalence of intestinal parasites among pregnant women in Gaza, and study the association between the risk factors and intestinal parasitic infection.we have in this study beacuse

According to the authors knowledge there is no literature available about the intestinal parasitic diseases among pregnant women in Gaza strip. This study will help to see the situation of this group to do any future intervention.

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Antibacterial Activity of the Aloe vera on Burns Infection Pathogens

Bacteria and fungi resistance to antimicrobial drugs has continued to grow in the last decades. The increased prevalence of their resistant is due to extensive use and misuse of antimicrobials. This has rendered the current available antimicrobial agents insufficient to control microbial infections and create major public health problem. This development has led to increased search to unfold new, broad spectrum, potent antimicrobial agents, especially bacteria that cause infections of burns.

Burn patients are ideal hosts for opportunistic infections . The burn site remains relatively sterile during the first 24 hour; thereafter , colonization of the wound by gram negative bacteria is common. Pseudomonas aeruginosa has emerged as a predominant member of the burn wound flora and in the absence of topical therapy is cultured from the burn injuries of 70% patients by the third week. Microorganisms routinely isolated from burn wounds include aerobic organisms like Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes, E.coli, Klebsiella Spp., Proteus etc.

Resistant to antibiotic due to extengens such as Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas species is of great concern. Antimicrobial resistance to anti microbial agents has lead to treatment failure and the shift of medical care from orthodox to herbal medicine. Most of the herbal medicines in use await validation of their claimed effects and possibly the development of novel antimicrobial drugs from them.

One approach that may be useful for controlling drug resistant bacteria infection is to use natural compounds generally recognized as safe (GRAS) to inhibit the bacterium. Plant derived compounds are among the potential candidates for such purpose because many of them have been reported to have antimicrobial activity.

Aloe vera is an ornamental and medicinal plant. It is being used therapeutically, since Roman times and perhaps long before, different properties being ascribed to the

inner colorless leaf gel and to the exudates from the outer layers.


Abdelraouf A. Elmanama (Ph.D).

Ass.Prof. (Medical Microbiology)

The main objectives of this investigative work, to study the antimicrobial activity of several extracts of Aloe vera on burns infection pathogens and to assess the synergistic effect of Aloe vera when associated with antibiotics.


Eman J. Hajaj

Reham A. Al Kassas

Samaher A. El Shake Khalil


Adnan H. Al-Hindi (Ph. D Parasitology)

Retrospective Study on the Prevalence of Intestinal Parasites among Refugee Camps Residents in Gaza Strip from 2003-2010

There are no available retrospective studies, about the prevalence of intestinal parasites among Refugee Camps Residents in Gaza strip.

Our study is concerned with studying the epidemiology and prevalence of the intestinal parasites among Refugee Camps residents from 2003-2010 through UNRWA records. And to determine the most common type of intestinal parasites among these residents from 2003-2010.


Yousef Abdelaal

Mahmoud Elsaraaj


Prof. Dr. Fadel A. Sharif

Monitoring effect of Treatment on Patients Thrombophilia

Miscarriage is the spontaneous loss of a pregnancy before viability. Miscarriage is a common complication of pregnancy; 25% of women will experience a miscarriage in their lifetime.Thrombotic events in the placenta have been attributed as contributing to many pregnancy complications. They are also prevalent in the general population. Found a pro-coagulant defect in 55% of women with a history of three or more miscarriages.

The main inherited thrombophilias are antithrombin III deficiency, deficiencies of protein C and protein S, the factor V Leiden mutation, the prothrombin gene mutation and hyperhomocysteinaemia. The presence of an inherited thrombophilia does not inevitably lead to clinical manifestations, but it does increase the risk. The maternal risk of a thromboembolic episode is increased eightfold in the presence of one of these thrombophilias

If the pregnancy of a thrombophilic woman is considered to be at risk of thromboembolism, prophylaxis is .merited. It is less clear whether this same approach is merited to reduce the risk of pregnancy loss. Aspirin and heparin have been shown to improve the outcome in acquired thrombophilia and, potentially, a similar approach could be of value in the management of pregnancy in inherited thrombophilias. There is no clear evidence that such a treatment will be of benefit .


Where we collected data of 50 patients with genetic causes and treatments used in the Gaza Strip and we follow the patients in terms of response to treatment and ability to reproduction.


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Determine the thrombophilic risk factor and detected thrombophilic defect in Gaza Strip and follow-up effect of treatment on patients thrombophilia .


Jina A. Alzumaili

Nermeen F. El Gamal

Salha M. Atallah

Risk factor for peptic ulcer in Gaza strip

Wafaa F. Naim


Abdelraouf A. Elmanama (Ph.D).

Ass.Prof. (Medical Microbiology)

A questionnaire to assess risk factors that may increase the incidence peptic ulcer and effect of cayenne pepper on incidence peptic ulcer in Gaza Stripe was prepared and administered. And to determine the proportion of people infected and non-infected peptic ulcers and eat cayenne pepper.

The Questionnaire from one hundred people of all ages in Gaza Strip.

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Eslam N. Elheresh

Ghadeer Z. Elshorafa

Jamila H. Elldawy

Noha R. Elshorafa


Ahmed Sh. Silmi,Msc, FIBMS

Anemia among pregnant women at UNRWA

Clinics in Gaza strip

Concerned a lot of pregnant women for the most common problems during pregnancy and the most important anemia.

The anemia is the most common medical problems during pregnancy and that lead to some harmful effects on pregnancy women and also the fetuses'.

Anemia is more frequent during pregnancy; hence pregnant women are at higher risk more than non-pregnant women. It is necessary for all women to take safety measures and more precautions, in order to avoid the occurrence of anemia before, during and after pregnancy.

The current study aimed to estimate the prevalence of anemia and correlated social and biological determinants among pregnant women attending UNRWA antenatal care clinics in Gaza Strip.


Hanaa Eid Al-Najjar

Islam Yasser El-Yazgi

Mona Rafat El- Holi

Mona Omar Rajab


Abdelraouf A. Elmanama (Ph.D).

Ass.Prof. (Medical Microbiology)

Incidence and Riske Factors of Tuberculosis in Gaza Strip

Tuberculosis is a contagious disease caused by a bacterial infection of the lungs, which can also spread to other parts of the body, such as the brain, kidneys, and bones.

This research about studying the incidence of Tuberculosis in Gaza Strip, and to identify the association between risk factors ( age, gender, chest symptom…etc.), and Tuberculosis infection/ disease. In addition to assessing the different areas in Gaza Strip, which have the highest infected cases than other.

To date there is no scientific, and available research in Gaza Strip has been assessed.

So, we would to provide more information about Gaza Strip status from global TB disease.


Hanin rashad aburass

Nedaa Hamdia


Abdelraouf A. Elmanama (Ph.D).

Ass.Prof. (Medical Microbiology)

Assessment the issue of self-medication with antibiotics among people in Gaza strip

THE AIM OF THIS PROGECT TO ASSESS and investigate the issue of self-medication with antibiotics among people in Gaza strip.

BECAUSE THE Antibiotic are one of most commonly used categories of drug in modern medicine. Antibiotic usage tends to be costly, has the potential to cause various side effect and many also result in emergence and increase of bacteria resistance to antibiotics.

So we want to evaluate the factors associated with antibiotic misuse

And exploring the relationship between prescribed, antibiotic use and self-medication with antibiotics.

Finally Studies on self medication of antibiotic on the human are very limited in Gaza strip and the result of the present study may be useful to a war people of risk of wrong uses of antibiotic.


Ramadan Elagha

Jawad AbuElian

Occurrence of Certain Pathogenic Bacteria in Minced Meat Samples in Khanyounis Governorate, Palestine

Forty Samples of Minced Meat from Khanyounis Governorate were examined for bacteriological characteristics of some certain pathogens Bacteria E.coli , Coliform and Salmonella.

Contamination with spoilage microorganisms may lead to low quality product and economic losses, while the presence of pathogens or their toxins mat be the cause of food borne diseases that may lead to loss of human life

The Total Bacteria Count (T.B.C) were done, more than 1x105 Colony Forming Unit per gram (C.F.U / g) were found in six samples.

Coliform Bacteria were found in three sample, all of samples were Negative for E.coli O157H7.


Abdelraouf A. Elmanama

(Assoc. Prof of Microbiology)

Six samples were Positive for salmonella

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In Vivo and in Vitro Antiprotozoal Activity of Withania somnifera and Punica granatum Against Giardia lamblia and Entamoeba histolytica

Diarrheal diseases are extremely common in the developed and developing worlds and are major causes of morbidity and mortality, affecting millions of individuals each year.

The etiologies of diarrhea include viruses, bacteria and parasites of which Entamoeba histolytica, Giardia lamblia, and Cryptosporidium parvum are considered to be the most important .

This study aim to observation effect of some medical plant ( Withania somnifera and Punica granatum) against intestinal parasite in vitro by using sutible media for Entamoeba histolytica and Giardia lamblia and in vivo by using animal model.

Amal A. Aayyad

Fidaa A. AboMoseen

Reem N. Saleh


Adnan I. AL-Hindi

Ass. Prof. (Medical parasitology )

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