Diagnostic Medical Microbiology

Islamic University-Gaza

Faculty of Science

Medical Laboratory Science Department

Second semester


Diagnostic Medical Microbiology

MEDI 2351

Course Syllabus


Pre-requisite: Essential medical microbiology (Medi 2350)

Number of credit hours: 3 credit hours

Meeting times:

Section 201 : SW 09:00-10:30; Room Number: L501

Section 201: SW 10:30-12:00; Room Number: K101

Instructor: Prof. Dr. Abdelraouf A. Elmanama

Office Research and Graduate Affair

Tel: 1150

Office hours: By appointment

Facebook group

E-mail: elmanama_144@yahoo.com

Website: https://sites.google.com/site/allmicrobiologysite

Course description

Diagnostic Medical Microbiology course focuses on medical aspects of bacterial pathogens, cultural, biochemical, serological and other unique characteristics that might aid in the process of identification of these pathogens. The course addresses the basic medical bacterial groups in detail (Gram negative and gram-positive bacilli as well as the Gram-negative and positive cocci. In addition, unclassified pathogens and fungi are discussed in details.

Course objectives

1. Identify the species of pathogenic bacteria and fungi

2. Determine the modes of transmission of infectious diseases and pathogenesis

3. Know of the theoretical foundations for the differentiation of the major pathogenic groups

4. Diagnosis of Gram-negative bacteria of the family Enterobacteriaceae, Pseudomonas

5. Diagnosis of Gram-positive bacteria from the family Staphylococcus and Streptococcus

6. Diagnosis of Gram-negative bacteria: Neisseriae, Mycobacteria, Anaerobs

7. Methods for diagnosis of different types of uncommon pathogens

8. The use of biochemical and serological tests in the diagnosis of the above-mentioned types of bacteria

9. Determine the antimicrobials to be used in the sensitivity testing of different types of pathogens.

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, students shall be able to:

1. Describe the aetiologies, epidemiology and basic mechanisms of pathogenesis of infectious diseases.

2. Describe the basic principles of diagnosis, antimicrobial treatment, prevention and control of infectious diseases in the hospital and community.

3. Describe the host immune system and explain the host response to infection

4. Understand and interpret basic laboratory tests for the diagnosis of infectious diseases.

5. Apply the principles of molecular and immunological techniques for the diagnosis of infectious diseases.

6. Analyze and solve case studies involving bacterial and fungal agents

Text Book:

· DiagnosticMedical Microbiology prepared by Prof. Dr. Abdelraouf A. Elmanama

References and further readings

· Bailey and Scott Diagnostic Microbiology 12th. Ed. 2007

· LABORATORY DIAGNOSIS OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES Essentials of Diagnostic Microbiology. 2008


Student’s performance will be evaluated by:

Service learning– 15%

Mid-term examination- 25%

Final examination- 60%

Students are required to attend all lectures. Attendance is recorded and students who are absent for more than 25% of the classes without an official notification will not be allowed to enter the exams according to the university rules and regulations.

Course contents