
July 9th 2014 ---- Started building the new website for the club. Copying and retaining as much of the information from the old website as possible. The new website is being hosted by GOOGLE which is free as long as we don't exceed the free limits. Also this uses the GOOGLE tool set and not proprietary software such as Webeasy or Frontpage. This way if something happens that the current webmaster cannot continue, someone will be able to easily learn the GOOGLE system and pick it up. Information will be provided on how to login into GOOGLE to access the system. Webmaster Ken Rugaber KC9QV

July 9th 2014 ---- Bill KD8UGU announced that he is thinking of installing a Digipeater in Munising that will give Hand Held coverage all over Munising. Stay tuned for further information.

July 30th 2014 --- Effective yesterday Rauol, W8RDR, reinstalled the 440 unit back in the Grand Marais Repeater, and am getting glowing reports...and a lot of thank yous. Well done W8RDR! Lee, KA5NHU

August 16th 2014 --- This new Website officially became active as WWW.ALGERHAM.ORG.

September 9th 2014 -- The 41 system was found down this morning around 0800 and an email was sent to the board members. Raoul responded and found no commercial power and notified the power company after placing the system online with emergency power. Power company found a blown fuse on the feed line to the tower and replaced it. No other customers are on that line so the power company had no idea there was a power outage in the Wetmore area. Well done Raoul!!!!!

September 10th 2014 -- Raoul Revord was appointed president of the club (per constitution) to fill the vacancy for the current term by Vice President Howard Baker at the monthly meeting held this date.

September 20th 2014 -- Grand Marais was without power last night from 7:20, until this morning at about 8:00 a.m.After starting my generator this morning at 7:30a.m., I used my hand held to make contact: NOTHING; I then drove to "our" Repeater site:

What I found:

1) "Our" generator was NOT running; however,

2) The US Coast Guard generator was running;

3) "Our" propane tank gauge read ZERO;

4) All outside "generator" equipment was cool to the touch

The Grand Marais Repeater cannot be relied upon during power outage at this time.


October 8th 2014 -- The club held the first ever monthly meeting via SKYPE. Two months ago the suggestion was made that during extreme weather and to relieve the cost for our Grand Marais members to attend monthly meetings in person that maybe we could use SKYPE. We can have up to ten (10) individuals in a group video conference at the same time with out any cost. The meeting had three members in attendance at the Munising fire hall while three members attended via SKYPE (2 from Grand Marais and 1 from South Milwaukee, WI). The meeting was deemed a success.

November 1st 2014 -- The following members completed operational training in the Emergency Operation Center at the Alger County courthouse. Those members are Rauol W8RDR, Howard KD8DBF, Bill KD8UGU, Lee KA5NHU and Mark KD8VRI. Congratulations to all of them. Graduation coffee cups were presented to each one. Here are two pictures of Lees cup as a sample.

The ALGER AMATEUR RADIO CLUB (AARC) is a 501(C)(3) tax exempt non-profit service organization. Serving the needs of Alger County Michigan and furthering the interests of Amateur Radio

The Alger Amateur Radio Club does not discriminate as to age, race, religion, sex, or national origin.