Alger Amateur Radio Club
Alger County, Michigan
Membership has it's privileges! We are a small but dedicated group of amateurs that are on the move. We have a rich history and many new projects ongoing and you could be a part of the continuing growth of amateur radio in the central upper peninsula of Michigan.
Review our Constitution and By-Laws then fill out our Membership Application and send it in with your dues payment. It is just that easy to become a part of one of the best things that ever happened to amateur radio in Alger County.
Membership Renewal - Get the Membership Renewal Form
NOTE: When membership application opens, 1. Select the download arrow 2. When asked to open with or save, make your selection. Either way you need to eventually open it with Adobe Reader. 3. Fill out the application and then print it out. 4. Mail it along with your check made out to AARC to the address on the application.
HARA Membership application for Associate Membership
The ALGER AMATEUR RADIO CLUB (AARC) is a 501(C)(3) tax exempt non-profit service organization. Serving the needs of Alger County Michigan and furthering the interests of Amateur Radio
The Alger Amateur Radio Club does not discriminate as to age, race, religion, sex, or national origin.