Title Co. Info

To:         Realtor/Title/Escrow Companies Acting for Sellers and/or Buyers of Properties in Aldercroft Heights 95033, Santa Clara County

From:   Aldercroft Heights County Water District (AHCWD) Board of Directors

Date:    February 2016


    There is sometimes confusion between sellers and buyers in our area concerning the requirements for transfer of water service.  The purpose of this memo is to provide realtors, title and escrow officers with information considered necessary to the mountain residents who are selling and buying properties in Aldercroft Heights, 95033, in Santa Clara County.  

     AHCWD is a California Special District that provides water service to approximately 120 household accounts in the Aldercroft Heights neighborhood of the Santa Cruz Mountains.  Aldercroft Heights is not served by any water utility other than AHCWD, which operates under a legal ordinance (Water Ordinance 14/15-1).  This is accessible on the District’s website (www.aldercroftheightscwd.org; sidebar “Water Ordinance”).

     When an existing owner having an account with AHCWD sells their property, that owner is responsible for contacting the AHCWD Business Office so that a final meter reading can be taken.   A $600 transfer fee is then to be collected in escrow as per the ordinance, along with any outstanding balance. (Section 8.09)

     The new owner must also contact the AHCWD Business Office to set up their account to initiate water service.  Water rates, charges and fees can be found on AHCWD’s website under the “Policies and Procedures” sidebar.  However, application for water service from a new owner shall not be honored unless payment in full has been made for any outstanding water service (including transfer fee) previously rendered by the District to that property.  (Section.5.04)

     If the selling property owner has failed to pay water service charges billed by District, and the property is conveyed to a new owner before the District can record a lien against the property, the buying owner of the property will be responsible for payment to the District of all past due water service charges as a condition to receiving water service in the future from the District. (Section 8.01)

     It is our intention here to clarify the issue of water service to properties in this particular mountain community in order to prevent any complications or misunderstandings that might otherwise arise. 

     The District requests that realtors and title companies communicate these parameters to potential buyers and sellers to ensure a positive transaction for all parties.