Continuum Theory and Topological Dynamics

responsible: Alessandro Codenotti and Aleksandra Kwiatkowska

time and place: Mondays at 10:15, place Einsteinstr. 62 - M A 114 (SR 1D)

The first seminar will be on 3.04.


A continuum is a compact connected (metric) space. After proving classical results such as the boundary bumping theorem, the existence of non cut-points theorem and the Hahn-Mazurkiewicz theorem, we will focus on constructions and properties of one-dimensional continua such as dendrites, the Menger curve and the pseudo-arc. For the latter two we will prove a characterization theorem and their homogeneity. Later in the semester we will discuss selected topics on dynamics, especially entropy, of homeomorphisms of those continua. We will prove that if a chainable continuum admits a homeomorphism with positive entropy, then it must contain an indecomposable subcontinuum. Only basic knowledge of general topology is assumed.

Topics to cover:

hyperspaces;  mainly 1.8,  2.4,  2.7,  4.13 of [N]). (speaker: Aleksandra Kwiatkowska)

notes (taken by Alessandro),           supplementary notes,         Sierpiński carpet

 with exactly two noncut points). (speaker: Judit Jansat)  notes

(speakers: Andrea Vaccaro and Alessandro Codenotti)   

notes   (Andrea's part)           notes   (Alessandro's part)
