In Summer semester 2024, I will organize a seminar in Descriptive Set Theory and Topological Dynamics, which will focus on Infinite Ramsey Theory.

Here is the announcement: pdf

In Winter semester 2023/24, I have a lecture ``Logic 3: Abstract topological dynamics and descriptive set theory"

In Summer semester 2023, I organized (joint with Alessandro Codenotti) a seminar ``Continuum Theory and Topological Dynamics''   Announcement

In Winter semester 2022/23, I have a lecture ``Berechenbarkeitstheorie''

In Summer semester 2022, I organized (joint with Martin Bays and Katrin Tent) a seminar ``Topological Dynamics and Model Theory'' 

In Winter semester 2021/22, I  gave a lecture ``Logik III - Topics in Descriptive Set Theory".  

In Summer semester 2021, I organized (joint with Katrin Tent) a seminar ``Polish groups and coarse geometry''.

In Winter semester 2020/21, I gave a lecture ``Logik II - Deskriptive Mengenlehre".

In Winter semester 2016/17,  I was the assistant to Prof. Martin Hils course ``Berechenbarkeitstheorie''.

In Summer semester 2017, I was the assistant to Prof. Martin Hils ``Logik I''.

In Winter semester 2017/18, I was the assistant to Prof. Katrin Tent's course ``Stabile Gruppen'' and I organized the seminar ``Automatische Stetigkeit''

In Summer semester 2018, I was the assistant to Prof. Katrin Tent's course ``Geometrische Gruppentheorie''.

In Winter semester 2018/19, I was the assistant to Prof. Katrin Tent's seminar ``Geometrische Gruppentheorie''.

In Summer semester 2019, I was the assistant to Prof. Tent's, Jun.-Prof. Dr. de Laat, Prof. Dr. Echterhoff  seminar ``Small cancellation and applications''.