Download Aglona Reader

Aglona Reader runs only under Microsoft Windows with .NET Framework. If .NET Framework is not installed in your PC, you can get it from here.

The program is portable (that is, it doesn't require installation). It consists of the main Aglona Reader.exe file and the audio library NAudio.dll. In order to run the program, you have to extract these two files and then run the .exe file.

Archive with the program: (1.6.2 2020-05-31).

Since the program is not digitally signed, when running for the first time, Windows and / or anti-virus software may warn you of danger. You may safely ignore this and proceed. The source code is available on GitHub.

Release information

1.6.0 (2020-05-15)

    • PBO format made more readable

    • NAudio code extracted to a separate library NAudio.dll

1.5.6 (2017-02-04)

    • Bugfix: a program crashed while selecting text under certain scenarios

    • Bugfix: unhandled runtime exception when trying to import texts