Below is a list of manually aligned parallel texts in ParallelBook (PBO) format. You can freely download these books and read them in Windows and Android with Aglona Reader. The files are WinRAR archives.
You can also find links to versions with synchronized audio (PBS format) if they are available. Clicking on a link to audio version opens a Google Docs page from which you can download the archive with File > Download.
To find out more about Aglona Reader, click "English" link above.
Andersen, Hans Christian
Ole-Luk-Oie (Aligned by Chris Rawlins) [♪ with English audio]
The Flying Trunk (aligned by Chris Rawlins)
The Old House (aligned by Chris Rawlins)
The Storks (aligned by Chris Rawlins)
Doyle, Arthur Conan
The Sign of the Four (based on German translation by with additions and alterations by Robin Pfeifer and Selen from forum)
The Five Orange Pips* (German translation by Alexander Wlk; aligned by Orontiel Tararwen)
Grimm, Jacob and Wilhelm
Cinderella (aligned by Orontiel Tararwen)
Rumpelstiltskin (aligned by Orontiel Tararwen)
Wilde, Oscar
The Picture of Dorian Gray (German translation by Richard Zoozmann)
Chekhov, Anton
Ward No. 6 (Палата №6)
The Lady with the Dog (aligned by JamarriJa) [♪ with Russian audio]
Doyle, Arthur Conan
The Hound of the Baskervilles
The Silver Blaze (aligned by JamarriJa)
Pushkin, Alexander
Snow Storm (Метель)
The Shot (Выстрел)
The Daughter of the Commandant (aligned by Tatiana Batura; missing fragments translated by Sean Perkins and Yanis Batura)
Stevenson, Robert Louis
The House of Eld (short story from "Fables")
Unknown Author
President Obama's Second Inaugural Address (2013)
Parallel texts with * symbol listed here cannot be used for any commercial purposes whatsoever. You may use them for personal purposes (reading and studying foreign languages) only.
All other parallel texts in ParallelBook format, listed and downloadable from this page, are based on original texts and their translations that are in the Public domain. The parallel texts themselves are derivative works (in order to create which a lot of manual, creative labor was required), and they were released into the Public domain by their respective authors. You may freely download, distribute and use these parallel texts.