
September 2015

Environment :

Environmental Umbrella Groups : Eco



Forest and Bird

Engineers for Social Responsibility

It's the Environment, Stupid ( discussion group on facebook )

Air : Climate Change :

Generation Zero

Transition Towns

Coal Action Network

Land : Infrastructure : Town Planning :

Architecture :

Tiny houses : Living in a tiny house.

Intentional Communities : Intentional Communities Aotearoa

Waste minimisation ; Zero Waste

Waste Minimisation Act

Transport :

Road :

Sustainable Transport :

Campaign for Better Transport

Public Transport Users Association

The Way Forward NZ

Carpool NZ

Electric Cars : Drive Electric NZ

EV Imports

Electric Vehicle Charging Network

Juice Point

Active transport :

Cycling :

Cycling Advocates Network

Urban Bicycles

Human Powered Vehicles.

Walking : Living Streets

Walk Auckland

Rail :

Federation of Rail New Zealand

Save Our Rail Northland

Save the Auckland to Northland Rail Line

Napier Gisborne Railway

Save the Gisborne - Napier Railway Line ( facebook )

Energy :

Renewable Energy : Sustainable Energy Forum

Sustainable Electricity Association NZ

Solar Energy

Wind Energy

Tidal Energy

Wave Energy

Geothermal Energy

Non-renewable Energy :

Fossil Fuels :

Oil :

Peak Oil: Oil Crash

Oil Shock Horror Probe

Natural Gas.

Coal : Coal Action Network

Forest : Forest and Bird

Mining :

No Mining Northland

Coromandel Watchdog of Hauraki

Water : Fresh Water : Freshwater Foundation ( on Facebook )

Rivers :

Harbours ;

Riparian Planting :

Mangroves :

Oceans :

Sustainable fishing: Marine Reserves :

Anti-Whaling : Greenpeace

Sea Shepherd

Ethical : Human Rights :

Women's Groups :

Womens' Refuges:

Rape crisis centre :

Mens Groups :

Rainbow community :

Prisoners rights

Howard League for Penal Reform

Marijuana Law Reform


Ethnic groups :


Iwi groups :

Maori Sovereignty:

Pacific :

Samoa :

Fijian :


Refugees :

Workers Rights :

Trades Unions

Social Welfare




Animal Rights :

Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals


Vegetarian : Vegetarians New Zealand

Vegan: The Vegan Society of Aotearoa New Zealand

Vegans New Zealand

Go Vegan with a comprehensive list of related groups active in NZ

Economic :

Poverty Reduction Inequality : A New Zealand Conversation

Health :

Mental Health : Lifeline

Disabled :

Ant-smoking : Action of Smoking and Health ( ASH )

Flouride :

Medical Marijuana :

Food : Genetically Modified Organisms : GE Free NZ

GE Free NZ in Food and Environment ( facebook )

Organics : Organics New Zealand

Aotearoa Permaculture Network

WWOOF New Zealand




Labelling :

Media advocacy : Coalition for better Broadcasting