
World Without War: Action for Peace Conference

19th - 20th September 2015

Sir Paul Reeves Building, AUT University, Auckland

PURPOSE: To develop action proposals for creating a peaceful world

+ Conference Fee: $20 for unwaged $60 for waged

+ Funded as a First World War Centenary Project

+We have a limit of 400 participants

DAY ONE: Saturday, 19 September 2015

8 – 8.30am Registration

8.45 am Mana Whenua - Bob Hawke and Arohanui Hawke

9am Session A: Opening Programme

Opening Remarks - Dr John Hinchcliff, President Peace Foundation

Len Brown, Mayor of Auckland

Professor Rob Allen, Acting Vice Chancellor, AUT

Sir Bob Harvey, former Mayor of Waitakere City Council

Alida Newman and Patrick Dale

Dr Roderic Alley

Joseph Llewelyn

Professor Alexander Gillespie

FACILITATOR: John Hinchcliff

11am Morning Break with the SGINZ Victorious Band

11.20am Session B: Peace Making by Community Groups

Thomas Owen - Society of Friends

Craig Horrocks – Rotary

Steve Abel, Greenpeace

Anna Lee - Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom

Margaret Taylor - Amnesty International

Edwina Hughes - Peace Movement Aotearoa

Amanda Aye - Red Cross

Sally Angelson – Child Fund

Laurie Ross – Nuclear Free New Zealand

Damon Birchfield - EcoMatters Trust

Lisa Er - Peace Foundation


12.40pm Lunch Break (WWII veterans and actors in attendance)

1.40pm Session C1: The Role of United Nations in Peace Building

Dr Kate Dewes

Diane Marama Winder

Alyn Ware, via video link

Carsten Bockemuehl, Amnesty International

FACILITATOR: Kennedy Graham MP

1.40pm Session C2: Challenges to Peace From New High Technologies

Dr John Hinchcliff, Peace Foundation

Edwina Hughes, Peace Movement Aotearoa

Dr Shaun Hendy

FACILITATOR: Dr Lina Gonzalez

3pm Afternoon Break

3.30-4.30pm Session α1: “Soul of Fire”

The life of the passionate and humanitarian Austrian Pacifist and first Nobel Peace Prize winner, Bertha Von Suttner, is portrayed in a moving and humorous performance. The internationally acclaimed Austrian actress, Maxi Blaha speaks and sings about aspects of this heroine’s life in a solo perfomance.

Tickets $20 unless enrolled in the Conference when it is free.

Facilitators: Gary Russell & Kate Dewes

3.30-4.30pm Session α2: Dialogue for Peace

Participants are invited to explore a profound process of listening and exchanging what is core for them regarding the issue of peace.

Dialogue is a shared exploration towards greater understanding, opening up wellsprings of resonant thought for all. Never before has there been a greater need for deep listening, trust, and mutual understanding.

FACILITATORS: Jon Winder, Diane Marama Winder & Christopher Le Breton

5pm – 7pm “The Man who Saved the World”

Australasian premiere film Show: Few people know of him. Yet millions of people are alive because of him. The actions of Stanislav Petrov, a Soviet military officer, prevented the start of a worldwide nuclear war in 1983 and the devastation of much of the Earth.

Tickets: $15. (50% of proceeds raised go to the film production company, 50% to The Peace Foundation)

DAY TWO: Sunday, 20 September

9am Session D1: Supporting Our Youth for a Peaceful Future

Rachael Dobric

April Pokino

Daniel Haines

Dr. Ola Johannson - Middlesex University, UK

FACILITATOR: Steven Arnold

9am Session D2: Establishing Peace: Bi-culturalism and Multiculturalism

Sir Toby Curtis

Marama Fox MP

Hemi Pirihi Human Rights Commission.


10.30am Morning Break

10.50am Session E1: Establishing Peace Through Religion

Prof Peter Lineham, History and media

Jocelyn Armstrong, Christianity

Kimiaki Kawai, Soka Gakkai

Anjun Rahman, Islam

Nura Taefi , Baha’i

Todd Nachowitz, Judaism

Robert Mackay, Parliament of the World Religions

FACILITATOR: Joycelyn Raffills

Session E2: A Peaceful World: Roles of Economics, Law, Media and Business

Dr Robert Howell, Economics

Matt Robson, Lawyer

Professor David Robie, Media

Michael Snowden, business

FACILITATOR: Christopher Le Breton

12.20pm Lunch

1.10pm Session F1: Peace and Governance

Phil Goff MP, Former Cabinet Minister & former Leader of Labour Party

Richard Northey, Former MP and City Councillor

Celia Wade-Brown, Mayor of Wellington,


1.10pm Session F2: Changing Mindsets and Attitudes for a Peaceful World: Roles of Psychologists, Social Scientists and Caregivers

Dr. Jane Verbitsky

Rachel Rafferty

Daniel Friedberg

Jon Winder


2.40pm Session G1: Refugee Experiences

Video presentation of refugee interviews

Sue Elliot tbc

Jean-Paul Bizoza JP tbc


2.40pm Session G2: Peace Education

Dale Bailey

Dr John Graves, Hi Tech Expert

Christina Barruel, Peace Education in Schools

Speaker tbc

FACILITATOR: Jack Woodward

4.10pm Wrap up: Highlights for action from each session facilitator and suggested ways forward.

FACILITATORS: Dr Caroline Ongleo-Calub and Christopher Le Breton

5.30pm Closure

Karakia - Sir Toby Curtis



Telephones: Mobile:

Home or Work:

Address or email:


*Conference Fees: $20 for unwaged $60 for waged

*Membership fee for joining the Peace Foundation: A special price for Conference participants: $25 (50% reduction)

*Movie: $15

*Price for “Soul of Fire” $20.00 if not attending Conference

*Lunch: $15.00 per day. Available only if prepaid

* Special dietary requirements:

Please register either online: or contacting Lucy Heald, Peace Foundation on 021 770 464.


Please pay by Bank Transfer (write “Ref Peace Conference”) 06 0158 0010006 00

Or, send a cheque payable to “The Peace Foundation”, PO Box 8055, Symonds Street, Auckland 1150

Or, contact for other ways to pay or for any questions.


(please answer yes or no as appropriate)

    • Would you use a child Care Centre if available?
    • Would you like a summary of the Conference afterwards?
    • Would you like a packaged lunch?
    • We are expecting a maximum of 400. We cannot anticipate how many will choose either of the sessions. It will have to those whom arrive first.
    • Please be on time for sessions.


or telephone: 021 770 464


+ Nuclear Free Peacemaker Exhibition, 6th - 20th Sept.12-3:00pm, Wed.-Sun. Kinder House, 2 Ayr St. Parnell contact

+Special two day session about conflict through applied theatre workshops with Ola Johannson from the UK at Kinder House. Contact: Gary Russell tel: 09 379

+United Nations Association book launch at the Museum, Friday 18th September. Contact: Gary Russell by email: or 09 379 4008

+International Day of Peace - Monday 21 September.