To do list


                    Find $30 to pay for URL for this website :

                    Update contacts for all MPs Regional and Local Governments. DONE  January 2024
                  Update contacts for all Councillors in every one of New Zealand's 67 Local Territorial Authorities. 

                    E-mail all Citizens' Advice Bureaus ( listed in Resources ) to request up to date list of contacts for   prominent people active in their communities,  social, environmental activists,  campaigns etc. .

                                                 Who's doing this ?  ( so far, Alan Preston , and you ?  )

                    Other things that need doing ..... ?         ( Suggestions to : )

Wish list.   This site is on the completely free (gratis) platform - which has its limitations but which is easy to learn .   It would be possible to copy and paste all this into another platform ..... if it becomes necessary