
564 New Zealanders have killed themselves so far ( 10th of October) this year ( 2015 ) That is 3 of us every 2 days..

Please consider signing this petition and sending it on through your networks.

Help Abolish Suicide Today

20151103 Interview with Francis and Chante on Planet Audio

Access Internet Radio : Life Matters

Suicide Data and Stats : Ministry of Health

Suicide : Statistics

Suicide Prevention

Headspace (Youth suicide )

Farmer suicide - overcoming isolation

20151013 : Radio New Zealand : Farmer Suicide - Overcoming Isolation

20151007 : Radio New Zealand : Farmer Suicides up

20151007 : Radio New Zealand : Maori Men Disproportionately Represented in Suicide Statistics

20151006 : Radio New Zealand : Suicide Numbers Soar

20151006 : Radio New Zealand : Numbers of Suicides Highest Since Records Began

20151006 : Radio New Zealand : Suicide rates hit new high

The Chief Coroner Judge Deborah Marshall today released annual provisional suicide statistics; Alexa Cook reports. From Checkpoint on 06 Oct 2015

Where to get help

    • Lifeline - 0800 543 354
    • Suicide Crisis Helpline - 0508 828 865 (0508 TAUTOKO)
    • Healthline - 0800 611 116
    • Samaritans - 0800 726 666
    • Chinese Lifeline - 0800 888 880
    • Depression Helpline - 0800 111 757


October 2015

If you know of any organisations or individuals that aren't listed here or additions , revisions or corrections that need to be made , please e-mail to @