The Battle of the Little Big Horn

The Battle of the Little Big Horn has been portrayed many times, with its meaning changing...

1941 They Died with Their Boots On - Hollywood Movie

What was the US worried about in 1941? Why might this have influenced the way the story was told?

Little Big Horn (1951)

Was the United States at war in 1951? With who? What were Americans afraid of in 1951?

Twilight Zone: The 7th is Made Up of Phantoms (1963)

How is this presentation similar to those above? How different?

Custer of the West (1967)

What was America worried about in 1967? Can you look up Dien Bien Phu?

Little Big Man (1970) tells the story of a man who claims to be "the only white survivor of Little Big Horn"

(you can watch the full film in fourteen parts by starting here)

Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull lead the Lakota to Victory (Short Documentary)

Other Accounts