Christmas Truce

Soccer in No Man's Land, Christmas 1914

Christmas Truce an overview

"The words drifted across the frozen battlefield: 'Stille Nacht. Heilige Nacht. Alles Schlaft, einsam wacht'. To the ears of the British troops peering over their trench, the lyrics may have been unfamiliar but the haunting tune was unmistakable. After the last note a lone German infantryman appeared holding a small tree glowing with light. 'Merry Christmas. We not shoot, you not shoot.'

"It was just after dawn on a bitingly cold Christmas Day in 1914, [100] years ago, and one of the most extraordinary incidents of the Great War was about to unfold."

The Last Survivor (Guardian)

What led to this Truce among enemy soldiers?

What does that suggest about the war?

What would you think if American troops did this in a war zone today?

How did the nations at war react to the truce?

How is this truce celebrated today?