Oklahoma City

168 Americans were killed on April 19, 1995 when two American citizens, men with extreme views about the government exploded a truck bomb outside the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building.

What can you find out about the bombing in Oklahoma City? Can you find stories? Pictures? Newspapers? Can you find a map showing where this took place?

What do you think made the men who planned this bombing so angry? Who were they angry with? Why would they attack a courthouse?

What is a Federal Courthouse? What happens there? Where is the Federal Courthouse in Charlottesville?

Many people complain about the government, but why do some choose to attack government buildings? What do you think?

Were any groups demonized in the media or by politicians after Oklahoma City? Who? Why? Why not?

What did people think when the Oklahoma City bombing happened? Is the Oklahoma City bombing remembered today?

The New York Times front page (April 20, 1995)

Presidents Speak to National Tragedies: Johnson, Reagan, Clinton, Bush, Obama (The New York Times video footage)

The New York Times Bill Clinton 15 years later (April 18, 2010)

New Footage from Oklahoma City Bombing (YouTube, TV News 1995)

Above: heavy equipment brought to search through the rubble in Oklahoma City

Below: the Baltimore Sun April 20, 1995

Below: Timothy McVeigh