Mapping Your School

see Massimo Vignelli page. see Making Fonts (about choosing lettering)


In the book Helvetica and the New York City Subway System, Massimo Vignelli described how he asked his design assistants to walk every subway station in New York City and find every spot where a user had to make a choice. If a subway passenger had to make a choice of which way to go, he suggested, a sign was needed.

He also wanted to make sure signs and maps were consistent. The signs would - in this system - all look, essentially the same. And for the first time in New York trains had colors, not just letters and numbers.

What the Vignelli team found (left), and what they proposed (right).

So, what do you see in your school? Think like a new student or a visitor. What would you need to know every place corridors come together?

What signs would you need? What kind of map would you need?

Can you show us what you'd like to see in your school?

London Underground Map (above), New York Subway signs (left and above)

Digital School Building Map (above)