Westward Expansion

The Battle of the Little Big Horn America Expands 1876 Sioux Nation Conquered Territories

Manifest Destiny Hawaii Philippines Museum/Curation

Could we start here? Why would this be controversial? Could it be controversial even if true?

"Westward Expansion" in English Speaking North America truly begins at Jamestown in what is now Virginia in 1607. A group of what we would now call "illegal immigrants" landed on the shore of Algonquian Nation territory, and seized the land for their own use. They did not speak the language, did not know its customs or laws, but moved in anyway, with weapons, and were so filthy and disease-ridden that they began pandemics among the existing population.

Westward Expansion would continue steadily across the continent and across the Pacific Ocean for the next 300 years.

1876 The Battle of Little Big Horn

Frederick Remington

Thomas Hart Benton

Sioux Cloth (Contemporary to Battle)

The Battle of the Little Big Horn (Wikipedia)