
Angel was born in Villavicencio-Meta (Colombia) in the year 1983. He received bachelor degrade of INEM "Luis López de Mesa" in 1999, and he received degrade in Systems Engineering from Universidad de los Llanos in 2005.

In 2007 was Young Researcher of COLCIENCIAS by Universidad de los Llanos and Instituto Nacional de Salud in Microscopy and Image Analysis group of National Intitute of Health of Colombia.

He was professor in Universidad de los Llanos (2009-2010) in Automata and Formal Languages Theory, Project Management Software, Computer Vision in Robotics, Information Analysis.

Today belongs to Machine learning, perception and discovery Lab (MindLab) from National University of Colombia, before he was with Bioingenium research group from National University of Colombia since 2008 and he finished the Master in Biomedical Engineering and starts the Doctorate in Systems and Computer Science in 2010 at National University of Colombia thanks of PhD grant from COLCIENCIAS to Doctorate studies in Colombia.

Among his research topics of interest are medical image representation and understanding, image processing, machine learning, computer vision, computer graphics and applications.