By-Laws p. 6


The Vice-President shall preside at meetings in the absence of the President; act for him/her in case of his/her absence or disability; serve as Hospitality Chair; and perform such other duties as are requested by the President. (Look under duties of the Hospitality Committee for additional responsibilities.)


The Recording Secretary shall keep a proper record of all meetings of the Chapter and the Executive Board, including the treasurer’s report; keep an accurate list of names, addresses, and telephone numbers of all members; call the meeting to order in the absence of a presiding officer; preserve all documents of the Chapter; bring to each meeting a copy of the Constitution and By-Laws together with a list of all standing and special committees; and shall assist with such work as requested by the President.


The Treasurer shall be responsible for all monies paid to and dispersed from the Chapter, keeping a written record of all such transactions. These transactions are subject to approval by the Chapter Executive Board. This record shall be reported to the membership at the business meetings. All monies received by the Treasurer shall be deposited forthwith in some bank approved by the Executive Board and shall obtain a voucher of deposit which shall be presented by such Treasurer to the Executive Board. His deposit book may be accepted as a voucher. The notation made on check stub and check must indicate for what purpose the check is issued. and send completed applications along with the state and national dues to the WSMTA Membership Chair as per instructions from the WSMTA Treasurer.) He shall keep an account of Chapter dues received from individual members and his date of payment of same. He shall report any changes to the mailing list to the Chapter Recording Secretary and President. (See By-Laws, Article II—Dues, for further details.)