Presenter Instructions

Oral presentations:

  • 20 min maximum including preparation and questions
  • typically 1 slide per minute, use bullet points, as little text as possible, show only essential math
  • at the conference, 15 min before your session:
    • introduce yourself to your session Chair in the presentation room
    • upload your slides on USB drive to conference computer or test your laptop
  • if you use conference computer, remember to embed (and not link) all videos into the presentation
  • a laser-pointer and microphone will be provided

Poster presentations:

Poster preparation:

  • poster size: up to 180 cm horizontally and 100 cm vertically; please use sufficiently large fonts for legibility
  • posters must be set-up from 8:30 to 9:00 in the morning on the day of a respective poster session and removed after the session ends
  • the board for your poster will be identified by poster number from the program (T-1 to T-21 or F-1 to F-20); materials to attach your poster to the board will be provided
  • each poster session is 120 min long, but there are 20-21 posters in each session; you need to explain key ideas of your work in about 5 min

Poster spotlight presentation:

Each poster will also have a spotlight presentation on Aug. 28 in the afternoon. Each spotlight presenter will give a very short (60 seconds max) "teaser" talk to advertise his/her poster. Note that the intention of the spotlights is to draw people's attention to the posters and are not meant to be mini-talks.

We ask the authors of each poster to prepare a one slide summary presentation. Note that due to limited resolution of the projector, your poster will not be legible if displayed on the screen so we encourage you to prepare one slide using Powerpoint presentation. Please read carefully the detailed instructions below:

  • The title slide will be prepared by the organizers and will include the date of your poster presentation, as well as poster number from the program on-line. Also, the title and authors of the paper will be displayed. This slide will display for only 15 seconds.
  • The second slide must be prepared by the presenter in landscape format and give a brief summary/illustration of the approach taken in the paper and/or the most interesting results obtained by the approach. Feel free to include pictures. However, do not include any videos or clickable animations in the slide. You will only have 60 seconds on this slide. Think of it as a commercial for your paper to motivate people to learn more (most commercials are only 30-60 seconds long).
  • There is a strict limit of one spotlight slide per presentation (in addition to the title slide). If multiple spotlight slides are submitted, only the first one will be included in the program. There will also be a hard limit of 60 seconds per spotlight -- with slides advancing automatically - so please prepare the content and presentation accordingly.
  • Please convert your slide into a PDF file and name presentation XXX.pdf where XXX is the 3-digit CMT paper ID (zero-padded if necessary). For example, if your CMT paper ID is 24, the filename must be 024.pdf. Submit this file through CMT at as follows: click 'Presentation Edit', upload slide in PDF format, and select the presenter.
  • The slides will be assembled together into a single file for each session, which necessitates a single format. Thus submit the presentation in the PDF format. Please test the presentation before submitting.

DEADLINE: Slides for the spotlight are due by August 15 (11:59 PM CET). This is a hard deadline; presentations not received by the deadline will not be included in the spotlight session.

Additional details:

The first two rows of seats will be reserved for spotlight presenters and labeled with poster number in order to assure an orderly and timely transition onto the stage.

Presenters will NOT have access to the computer on which the presentations will run. All spotlights in the same session will be compiled into a single presentation, and slides will automatically advance.

The first (title) slide of each presentation will be shown for exactly 15 seconds during which the microphone will be handed over to the presenter and the presenter will introduce himself/herself, the authors and the title of the paper.

The second slide will be shown for exactly 60 seconds. This timing is strict and you are kindly asked to leave the podium for the next presenter after the time is up.

Clickable animations are NOT accepted and will be removed during the process of compiling the session's presentation.

Timed animations can be used yet we do not advise you to do so, as the timing on your machine can differ slightly from the timing on the laptop used at the venue. Ensure that your talk is flexible and you are not surprised by such slight variations. There will be no chance to check or practice your presentation using the laptop beforehand.