Call for Workshops

AVSS has developed a tradition of hosting surveillance-related workshops on the day preceding the main conference. Recent AVSS workshops included:

    • Performance Evaluation of Tracking Systems (PETS)
    • Resource Aware Sensor and surveillance NETworkS (RAWSNETS)
    • Activity Monitoring by Multi-Camera Surveillance Systems (AMMCSS)
    • Workshop on Multimedia Systems for Surveillance (MMSS)

This tradition will continue at AVSS-2013 and workshops will be held on August 27 prior to the start of the technical program of AVSS. Of interest are workshops on topics related to visual and signal-based surveillance especially especially in new and upcoming research areas. Also, contests to evaluate performance of algorithms related to visual and signal-based surveillance are of great interest.

Prospective workshop/contest organizers are invited to submit proposals via email to workshopchairs@domain-name, where "domain-name" is the conference domain name after www, by February 18, 2013. The proposal should include the following:

    1. workshop/contest title,
    2. list of organizers including affiliation and email address,
    3. workshop/contest motivation,
    4. estimated participation (industry/academia),
    5. anticipated number of talks/posters and length of workshop (half-day or full-day),
    6. paper submission procedure (submission via web site, via email, etc.),
    7. paper review procedure (single-blind/double-blind, internal/external, solicited/invited-only, pool of reviewers, etc.),
    8. paper submission and acceptance deadlines (camera-ready and early registration deadlines for a workshop/contest must coincide with the corresponding deadlines of AVSS-2013 - see Important Dates on left).
    9. special space and equipment requests, if any.