It is a great pleasure to welcome you to historic Kraków, home to the 10-th edition of the IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-Based Surveillance (AVSS).

AVSS is the premier annual international video and signal- based surveillance conference that brings together experts from academia, industry, and government to advance theories, methods, systems, and application related to surveillance. Areas of interest to AVSS can be found in this Call for Papers.

AVSS receives technical support and sponsorship from the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), the world's largest professional association for the advancement of technology, in particular from its two societies: IEEE Signal Processing Society and IEEE Computer Society.

AVSS is a forum of reference for the field of surveillance and offers the opportunity to meet, network, and foster research collaboration. We hope you will join us in Kraków for this 10-th anniversary of AVSS.

© Municipality of Kraków

Janusz Konrad

General Chair

Janusz Konrad, General Chair

Marek Domański

General Co-Chair

Marek Domański, General Co-Chair

Located in southern Poland, Kraków is a city of history, culture and science. The royal capital of Poland for over five centuries, today it is a vibrant city of 800,000 with countless historical sites, spectacular museums and world-class cultural events (see the short video above).

AVSS will be held in the Main Square (Rynek Główny) of the Old City which has been designated by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. The square is famous for its historic Cloth Hall (Sukiennice) and the St. Mary's Basilica (Kościół Mariacki) featuring the largest Gothic altarpiece in the world. The Royal Wawel Castle, the Barbican and many other historic sites are within a walking distance from the conference venue.

The Main Square is famous for its quality restaurants, charming cafés, intriguing art galleries, and plenty of souvenir shops. Whether for lunch or to dine with new colleagues, you will not need to walk far to enjoy a wide range of cuisines.