Kid Influencer Camp Videos 


Each student created a video during the SISB Kid Influencer Camp. The presentation below contains all the videos from all our students. Please feel free to look through the slides and watch the videos. I am sure you will be blown away our students' creativity.

每个学生在 SISB 儿童影响者训练营期间都制作了一段视频。 下面的演示文稿包含我们所有学生的所有视频。 请随意浏览幻灯片并观看视频。 我相信您一定会惊叹我们学生的创造力。

SISB Kid Influencer Camp: Best Videos

Our students also voted for the best videos in each class, as well as the best videos for the Summer School. Our teachers voted for who they thought were the most creative students in each class. Please page through the presentation below to see who our winners were. We are proud of all our students and the amazing work they created!

我们的学生还投票选出了每堂课的最佳视频以及暑期学校的最佳视频。 我们的老师也投票选出他们认为每个班中最有创造力的学生。 请翻阅下面的演示文稿,看看谁是我们的获奖者。 


Kid Influencer Camp: Awards Ceremony

As we bid farewell to this extraordinary summer camp, we want to extend a heartfelt thank you to all the parents and guardians who entrusted us with their children's growth and creativity. Your support has been invaluable in making Kid Influencer Camp a huge success!

To our amazing young influencers, always remember that you have the power to inspire, entertain, and make a positive impact on the world through your content. Keep shining bright and continue to create fearlessly!



对于我们出色的年轻有影响力的人来说,请永远记住,您有能力通过您的内容激励、娱乐并对世界产生积极影响。 继续闪耀光芒,继续无畏创造!