Kid Influencer Training Camp 2023

About the Camp

A Kid Influencer uses a YouTube channel, Instagram account or pretty much on any other platform to share their hobbies and lives with other kids. From reviewing toys to gaming and even fashion inspiration, children can develop a virtual connection with influencers of a similar age who provide entertainment akin to watching television or reading their favorite book. Think of them as storybook characters for digitally savvy children.  

Not all kids are just wasting their time on social media. Many are creating engaging content and using different platforms to express themselves. From unboxing videos to family vlogs, they are keeping audiences around the world entertained. But in many instances, their talents and voices have also bridged the gap between generations and helped to create real change. 

Becoming an influencer can be an exciting endeavor. You have the opportunity to inspire your audience, share your passions, and generate income. The Kid Influencer Camp will help you to make your influencer journey a rewarding and successful one.

Kid Influencer 使用 YouTube 频道、Instagram 帐户或几乎任何其他平台与其他孩子分享他们的爱好和生活。 从评论玩具到游戏甚至时尚灵感,孩子们可以与同龄的有影响力的人建立虚拟联系,他们提供类似于看电视或阅读他们最喜欢的书的娱乐活动。 将它们视为通晓数字技术的儿童的故事书角色。

并非所有孩子都只是在社交媒体上浪费时间。 许多人正在创建引人入胜的内容并使用不同的平台来表达自己。 从开箱视频到家庭视频博客,它们让世界各地的观众都乐在其中。 但在许多情况下,他们的才华和声音也弥合了代际之间的鸿沟,并帮助创造了真正的变革。

成为有影响力的人可能是一项令人兴奋的努力。 您有机会激发您的观众,分享您的激情,并创造收入。 Kid Influencer Camp 将帮助您使您的影响者之旅成为一次有益而成功的旅程。


Selecting a Niche


Creating Content




How to Market Yourself 


Analytics, Facts & Figures


internet safety & giving back


camp Outcomes

Start your journey as a Social Media Kid Influencer.

Develop the ability to create captivating branding and engaging content.

Successfully market yourself within your chosen niche to grow your following.

Understand how to keep yourself safe on the internet.






personal brand with social media profiles

By the end of the camp you will have created a personal brand and have set-up social media profiles on your chosen social media platforms.


your first content to be shared

You will create your first creative and engaging content that you can share on your social media profiles, as well as experienced how to do live-steams.



Language Arts

In language Arts you will learn presentation skills for video content and live-streaming. You will also learn how to write scripts for video content, interesting captions and posts, and how to use hashtags properly. You will learn these skills in English, Chinese & Thai.

在语言艺术中,您将学习视频内容和直播的演示技巧。 您还将学习如何为视频内容、有趣的字幕和帖子编写脚本,以及如何正确使用主题标签。 您将用英语、汉语和泰语学习这些技能。


In STEM you will learn ICT skills that will help you edit photos and create interesting thumbnails, banners, and logos. You will learn how to interpret Social Media Analytics and use them to grow your following. You will learn how to budget. Finally, you will learn about internet safety and copyright.

在 STEM 中,您将学习 ICT 技能,这些技能将帮助您编辑照片并创建有趣的缩略图、横幅和徽标。 您将学习如何解读社交媒体分析并使用它们来增加您的关注者。 您将学习如何制定预算。 最后,您将了解互联网安全和版权。

Audio & Video

In the Audio & Video classes you will learn how to properly record yourself using various devices. You will learn how to edit video and sound, and how to create interesting special effects. You will also learn how set-up and do live-streams. This will be a hands-on and practical class.

在音频和视频课程中,您将学习如何使用各种设备正确录制自己。 您将学习如何编辑视频和声音,以及如何创建有趣的特效。 您还将学习如何设置和进行直播。 这将是一门动手实践的课程。

physical education

In PE you will get the opportunity to play various games that will teach you teamwork, endurance, and perseverance.



There will also be an opportunity
to take part in some Extra Curricular Activities such as basketball, badminton, etc.


A sample timetable

Here is an example timetable. Students will take part in all classes every day, as well as Snack & Lunch.

sign-up today

To register, please scan the QR Code or click the link below. 

Kid Influencer Camp 2023 Registration Form

contact us

For more information, you can contact us via email at: