Volunteer and Internship Opportunties

Volunteer Opportunities

Link will take you to SVHS's approved organizations that may offer student service involvement opportunities for Simi Valley High School. "Service" is something done above and beyond what is normally expected. The service engaged in must be volunteer (unpaid) service that does not produce a direct monetary benefit to the student or family of the student.

TeensVolunteer.org is a free service that was created to help teens find the latest volunteer opportunities in California. We believe that volunteering should be accessible for all teenagers.

Volunteer Match is the most effective way to recruit highly qualified volunteers for your nonprofit. We match you with people who are passionate about and committed to your cause, and who can help when and where you need them.

Internships Opportunities

Virtual Job Scams

In light of COVID-19 and recent employment trends, more and more people are working online. With so many people looking to work remotely, scammers often advertise these opportunities to students. Distinguishing between legitimate virtual jobs and fraudulent ones can be hard, but here are some tips to keep in mind.

Safe jobs

You can often tell if a job is safe by simply looking at the job description. Consider whether each job makes sense as a virtual role. Employers will often hire virtual employees for customer service or sales positions (jobs that require talking on the phone) as well as jobs that rely heavily on computer usage. But scammers will create virtual jobs that simply don’t make sense.

Virtual Work Experience Programs are online programs built and endorsed by leading companies. They contain a series of resources and tasks designed to simulate the real-world experience of starting a career.

Virtual Internships are - and will always remain - completely free. You can also attempt any of our Virtual Internships with no prior work experience.

Chegg Internships brings students and employers together in one centralized location, providing tools and services for students to develop the real-world skills they will need upon graduation and for employers to find the best candidates.

Chegg Internships Security