Trade Schools

Southern California Trade Schools

This site will help you in your research of local trade/vocational schools within Southern California.

The schools have been categorized by four major regions. Click on the regions below and you will be redirected to a list of schools, all of which offer a wide range of programs.

Below you will also find a few common questions asked about trade and vocational schools. If you need further assistance, please reach out to me.

What are Trade Schools/Vocational Schools?

Trade schools (also known as technical schools, vocational schools and career colleges) are higher-level learning institutions that specializes in providing students with the vocational education and technical skills they need in order to perform the tasks of a particular job. It is a great option for students who want to work in particular career fields that require specialized training, such as cosmetology, surgical technology, machinist, dental technology, emergency medical technician (EMT), nursing assistant, etc.

Who Can Enroll?

Although requirements vary from one program to the next, many accept any applicant who has earned a high school diploma or GED. Certain institutions require proof of passing grades in specific high school classes, minimum scores on entrance exams and other letters of recommendation. To find out the exact admission requirements for any program, contact the school directly.

How Are Vocational Schools Different From Traditional Colleges?

The biggest difference between vocational schools and traditional colleges is the curriculum and teaching style. A conventional college requires students to take a wide range of classes on many different subjects, vocational training focuses only on the material required in order to be successful in a specific job. These programs usually include hands-on experience and individual coaching from a professor who is also a professional in the field.

What Types of Vocational Programs are Available?

Most vocational schools offer a wide range of programs, ranging from popular healthcare courses (e.g. Certified Nursing Assistant training) to certification and licensing exam prep for traditional trades like electricians, truck drivers and auto mechanics. The following is a brief list of some of the most popular programs available:

  • Auto Repair

  • Criminal Justice

  • Electrician

  • HVAC Installation and Repair

  • Welding

  • Allied Health

  • Cosmetology

  • Truck Driving


A union apprenticeship is an excellent career choice if you like to work with your hands; are willing to serve an apprenticeship for up to five years, depending on the trade you select; have dexterity, mechanical ability, problem-solving skills and the ability to work collaboratively with a team; want to earn a living wage and good benefits; and want the opportunity to advance in your career.

Apprenticeship in many careers. Some opportunities are: Automotive, Carpenter, Culinary & Pastry, Electrician, Firefighters, Landscaper, Mill Cabinet, Plumber, Roofers, and so on.

Inland Empire Electrical Training Center

The Electrical Training Alliance’s goal is to provide the Electrical Construction Industry with the most highly trained and skilled workforce possible. While direct training occurs through local training programs, the Electrical Training Alliance develops enhanced education standards to meet the competitive challenges of today’s global market economy.


North America’s Building Trades Unions (NABTU) sponsors comprehensive apprenticeship readiness programs (ARPs) throughout the U.S. These programs provide a gateway for local residents – focusing on women, people of color, and transitioning veterans – to gain access to Building Trades’ registered apprenticeship programs. ARPs are administered by state and local Building Trades Councils and they teach NABTU’s nationally recognized Multi-Craft Core Curriculum (MC3).


The Southwest Regional Council of Carpenters represents more than 55,000 members in Southern California, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, New Mexico, and Colorado. We work with developers and elected leaders to raise the standard of building and living for all workers. As an affiliate of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, SWRCC is the largest council in the Brotherhood.

Finishing Trades Institute

The International Finishing Trades Institute (iFTI) is the training and education department of the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades (IUPAT) and its industry partners. Our purpose is to develop and expand a qualified, competitive workforce for the finishing trades industries and to oversee the apprenticeship training programs throughout North America.

Job Corps

What is Job Corps?

Job Corps is the largest nationwide residential career training program in the country and has been operating for more than 50 years. The program helps eligible young people ages 16 through 24 complete their high school education, trains them for meaningful careers, and assists them with obtaining employment. Job Corps has trained and educated over two million individuals since 1964.

At Job Corps, students have access to room and board while they learn skills in specific training areas for up to three years. In addition to helping students complete their education, obtain career technical skills and gain employment, Job Corps also provides transitional support services, such as help finding employment, housing, child care, and transportation. Job Corps graduates either enter the workforce or an apprenticeship, go on to higher education, or join the military.