Add Content

Install Content to Share

Note that there are two distinct methods of adding content to the device. The first involves simply copying files from a computer to the shared directories on the MicroPi. The second automatically loads files from, youtube and other filesharing sites.

Add content by copying from computer

Add content by automatic download

Unzipping Apps


MicroPi users can download multiple files in a single operation by selecting groups of individual files or entire directories. In this case, the device creates and downloads a .ZIP archive file which includes the previously selected files.. The user will then need to open the .ZIP and extract the files. Some Android phones do not have a default utility app available for this operation.

A recommended Android App is Zarchiver.apk. It is recommended to download the Zarchiver.APK file and install it in the "Software" folder on the device so users can download this tool in case their phone does not a have an unzip tool available.