Remote learning Portal



Here you will find a variety of art lessons I hope you enjoy creating with your children. Remember, art is a form of self expression and every child's artwork and creative expression is unique and beautiful. Let them be the artist.

While I know that teaching art can be difficult for some please remember it does not have to be perfect. Art is an expression of the individual and the creativity of a child is a wonderful process to observe. Let your child explore and be curious and enjoy the process with them. Their pride in whatever they create is enough.

Thank you for trying and please share images with me. Their artwork always puts a smile on my face. I appreciate you taking the journey with me and I hope you love their art as much as I do. 🐅

Thank you for being a part of theirs and my creative process. 🎨

I would love to know how they and you are doing and if you have any questions please feel free to contact me through email. I am available Monday - Friday 8:00-3:00


Follow Plains Artists on Instagram at: plainscubart

Ms. Naiman's School Website:

Please check here for more information or contact me with questions via email. Thank you.

I am available Monday - Friday 8:00- 3:00

From the Springfield Museums:

quick Links

PE: Mr. Harrington

Daily engagement in a variety of healthy habits and behaviors from Mr. Harrington. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. (

Music: Ms. Noble

If that doesn't work, go to the Mosier website/teachers/Ms. Noble. There is a Grade 1 Google Classroom Set up (password: jjygcxf) There will be weekly postings.

Library: Mrs. Scibelli

Mrs. Scibelli has set up a Google Classroom with several read alouds to choose from.

Grab-and-Go CONTent section

**example 2 - Grab-and-Go CONTent**

Examples of some of the types of things you can embed here include:

- PDFs from Google Drive

-Approved YouTube Videos

-Word Documents from Google Drive

-Powerpoints from Google Drive

-Slides from Google Drive

-Google Docs from Google Drive

IMPORTANT: Make sure you set the appropriate sharing settings in any files you want to embed. If the document needs to be available without signing in, make sure its shared publicly and has the appropriate editing permissions desired (edit, view only, etc.) Vice versa, if you want the document to be restricted to signed in users only, the embedded file will still be embedded but will be "locked" behind a sign in screen unless the user is signed in - see the Google Slide example below.

If you DON'T WANT to embed any files, be sure to remove the example section below.

***DELETE THIS HELP SECTION before publishing***

EXAMPLE - Downloadable "Offline" content



