
Shenandoah County Public Schools offers two opportunities within the division to apply for grants to fund new and innovative instructional initiatives. Both the Moore Educational Trust and the Bowman-Shannon Cultural Arts Fund grants have an application process that is outlined on their specific webpage.

Offered by Shenandoah County Public Schools

Helen Moore was born and raised in Kansas. Her parents were strong supporters of education. In order for Helen to receive an education, she and her siblings boarded with other families in town during the school week. After graduating from high school and receiving business training. Helen worked for the Federal Government for 30 years. She owned farms in Loudoun, Frederick, and Shenandoah County. She was a resident of Strasburg when she died in 2002. Her estate, valued at over 3 million dollars, was left to benefit the students of Shenandoah County Public Schools. The interest from the Moore Educational Trust provides the funding for both instructional and professional grants.

Offered by Shenandoah Community Foundation

The purpose of the Bowman-Shannon Cultural Arts Fund is to educate, guide and stimulate the enjoyment of and participation in cultural arts in Shenandoah County, Virginia. For this purpose, the term "cultural arts" includes individual and group artistic expressions through drawing, painting, collage, glasswork, pottery and other ceramics, weaving, sculpture, carving, photography, film, video, other digital and electronic media, music, theatre, dance, writing, and any other mode or medium of visual, aural, tactile, physical, or written artistic expression, including artistic expression for or by special needs individuals.