News & Events

April 2024

World Parkinson's Day 2024

Each year on World Parkinson's Day, the Parkinson's community comes together in an international campaign to raise awareness of Parkinson's.

In 2024, we shared a number of our key aims, and what we are doing to achieve them. 

Flick through the images for more information: 

March 2024

British Geriatrics Society Movement Disorders Special Interest Group Presentation  

Our Coordinator, Emma Davies, presented at the British Geriatrics Society Movement Disorders Special Interest Group.  Please see the poster and presentation below 

January 2024

Clinical Trials Costing Guidance for Parkinson's Disease

The UK PD-CSG and our Document Development Working Group have produced Clinical Trials Costing Guidance for Parkinson's Disease.

The document will assist the Life Sciences industry and lead study sites to determine accurate timings and costings in relation to common activities conducted within clinical trials. The document details Parkinson's specific considerations that must be accounted for. This is to ensure that the sites delivering the research are paid appropriately for the activity they undertake.

With the implementation of the National Contract Value Review programme, it's now even more essential that the lead sites provide accurate costings on behalf of all participating sites within commercial clinical trials. 

View the document here

December 2023

12 Days of Parkinson's Research Campaign

November 2023

Parkinson's Specialist Nurses - we need you!

We are eager to engage further with Parkinson's Specialist Nurses to support them in supporting clinical research.

We have built strong links with the Parkinson's Disease Nursing Specialist Association and would be extremely keen to hear from it's members. 

Interested PDNSA Members, please click here to view our membership process.

November 2023

Neurology Academy: Parkinson's Advanced Master Class 

Our Coordinator, Emma, presented at the Neurology Academy Parkinson's Advanced Master Class, informing the delegates about Parkinson's Clinical Research and the UK PD-CSG.  

The delegates fed back that it was a very useful to know about this support, especially for those not in traditionally research-rich areas. 

We hope to continue to build on our links with the Neurology Academy to continue to engage more people in clinical research.

Watch the full talk here or click on the above image: 

November 2023

A visit from Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Gloucester

Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Gloucester visited SITraN to see the pioneering Parkinsons research taking place.

After visiting @MortiboysLab, we spoke to HRH about the UP clinical trial & the UK PD-CSG; showcasing the bench to bedside approach.

Read more: The Duchess of Gloucester explores pioneering Parkinson's research at SITraN | News | The University of Sheffield 

November 2023

UK PD-CSG Update Presentation Nov 2023

Listen to Emma, our Coordinator, discuss the UK PD-CSG main aims, activities and exciting progress to date! 

November 2023

Cure Parkinson's Research Update Meeting Autumn 2023

October 2023

UK PD-CSG: 50 Members and all 18 CRN regions represented

July 2023

World Parkinson Congress 2023

April 2023

World Parkinson's Day

World Parkinson's Day 2023 marked 1 year since the UK PD-CSG launch. As a national group, we continue to bring together the expertise & enthusiasm of professionals passionate about Parkinsons Research to drive discoveries forward. 

January 2023

ABN Movement Disorders Special Interest Group Meeting

It was a pleasure to attend the ABN MovDis SIG meeting in January. The day was filled with informative talks and vibrant discussions. It was great to meet so many of our CSG members in person. Professor Oliver Bandmann gave a talk on the UK PD-CSG, progress made and future plans. 

December 2022

12 Days of Parkinson's Research Twitter Campaign

Over the 12 Days of Christmas, we shared one study every day ! These included a selection of: 

Flick through the studies below or visit our Twitter Page here.

October 2022

Parkinson's UK Awareness Day

The Sheffield branch of Parkinson's UK teamed up with the Advanced Wellbeing Research Centre to facilitate a Parkinson's Awareness Day. The event was led by Dr Bhanu Ramaswamy, a Physiotherapist Consultant. Our coordinator, Emma Davies, attended the event and spoke at several sessions about the exciting Parkinson's research currently taking place across the UK. 

October 2022

Jeremy Paxman Documentary 

Broadcaster, Jeremy Paxman, has released an ITV documentary about what "putting up with Parkinson's" is like for him. Paxman announced his diagnosis of Parkinson's 18 months prior to the release of the documentary.  It shows an honest insight into the life of someone with Parkinson's and touches of some key progressions within the field of research. 

Watch the documentary here

September 2022

UP Study Results

The results of the UP Study, led by Prof Bandmann exploring Ursodeoxycholic (UDCA) Acid in people with Parkinson's have been shared. Participants were randomly assigned into the UDCA or placebo group. UDCA is a drug previously used to treat liver disease. It was chosen from a screen of over 2000 drugs because of its potential to rescue the function of the powerhouse of the cell, mitochondria. The study found: 

Read more here

Read the full journal article here

August 2022

UK PD-CSG PPI Recruitment

Over the past few months, we have been recruiting new Patient and Public Representative Members into the UK PD-CSG. 

We now have a total of four PPI Representative Members and a further PPI/ R&D Adviser member.  It's great to have them onboard!

May 2022

UK PD-CSG First Meeting

On Friday 27th May we held our first UK PD-CSG Meeting! 

The regular meetings bring together expertise from across the UK to drive forward Parkinson's Clinical Research. Focus studies were discussed in depth and other studies were highlighted. 

The UK PD-CSG wheels are officially in motion! 

May 2022

Cure Parkinson's Interview

Listen to our Group Lead, Professor Oliver Bandmann, and our Coordinator, Emma Davies, chat and answer questions from Cure Parkinson's about the UK PD-CSG, what we hope to achieve, our objectives and more. 

Watch the interview here

April 2022

Press Release: NIHR Sheffield BRC

The NIHR Sheffield Biomedical Research Centre share a Press Releases about the launch of the UK PD-CSG.

Read more here

April 2022

UK PD-CSG Launch

In April 2022 on World Parkinson's Day, we were pleased to announce the launch of our new website which we hope will be a hub of information for people interested in Parkinson's Clinical Research across the UK. Professor Oliver Bandmann, Group Lead, and Emma Davies, Group Coordinator, speak about the launch, their excitement and the aspirations of the group.