Information and Support for Researchers

Programmes & Schemes 

UK PD-CSG Buddy Scheme

The Buddy Scheme is an informal collaboration between two sites interested in delivering Parkinson's research. It is essentially about linking up an experienced researcher with someone who has less or no experience in delivering clinical research. This is with the hope that developing an effective communication channel to facilitate knowledge sharing will fulfil the individual with the confidence to lead and deliver more research.  

To learn more about the Buddy Scheme or register interest, please contact Emma Fargher 

Parkinson's Rater Programme

To ensure the portfolio of Parkinson's research can be delivered successfully across the UK, the number of researchers trained in conducting the outcome scales such as the MDS-UPDRS must increase. Work is being undertaken to develop an online platform with a multitude of resource to aid and support researchers learn how to successfully administer the MDS-UPDRS. This includes tips, hints, videos and links with qualified raters to streamline the training process to be utilised alongside the MDS-UPDRS official videos and training.

Stay tuned for updates. 

NIHR Associate PI Scheme

What is the Associate PI Scheme?

The Associate Principal Investigator (PI) Scheme aims to develop doctors, nurses & other health care professionals (HCP) to become PIs of future research studies. It is a six month in work training opportunity whereby research skills and experience of NIHR portfolio trial are gained. The HCP is mentored by an enthusiastic local PI. Recognition of engagement is through certification of Associate PI status, endorsed by the NIHR and Royal Colleges.

Interest in taking part in the scheme? Click here

Wanting to register your study into the scheme? Click here

Find out more on the NIHR Associate PI Scheme Page and FAQ page

Training Courses 

EMRI Cultural Awareness Training

The Ethnic Minority Research Inclusion team have created an online training module, Introduction of Cultural Competency, which can be accessed via NIHR Learn & NIHR Open Learn (for those without access to NIHR Learn).

Cultural Awareness refers to the ability of research delivery and support staff to act with regard to the social and cultural needs of potential and actual research participants.

Read more on the EMRI website

NIHR: Good Clinical Practice

Good Clinical Practice (GCP) is an international ethical, scientific and practical standard upheld throughout clinical research. It ensures that everyone involved in conducting clinical research does so to a high standard to protect the rights, safety and wellbeing of study participants.  The UK Policy Framework for Health and Social Care Research states that GCP training is required for researchers conducting clinical trials of investigational medicinal products. 

Click here to visit the NIHR Good Clinical Practice Training


The INCLUDE Project is a short online course (approx. 1 hour completion time).

The course educates researchers on improving the inclusion of under-served groups in clinical research. 

To find out more search for the INCLUDE Project on NIHR Learn

NIHR: Increasing Participation of Ethnic Minorities in Research

This online training aims to capture best practice and provide researchers with a frameowrk on how to iprove the participation of Ethnic Minority Groups in research.

To find out more, search the title of the training on NIHR Learn

Future Learn: Improving Healthcare Through Clinical Research

Find our how medical treatments are discovered, tested and evaluation to improve healthcare for all.

4 weeks, 4 hours per week.

To find out more visit the webpage: link

NIHR: Research Practice in Clinical Settings

This training is appropriate for staff working to support research delivery.  You may be caring for a patient who is also a research participant.  You may have been invited to work within a research study team where you are following clearly defined processes. 

To find out more, search the title of the training on NIHR Learn

Research Resources

Patient and Public Involvement Support


The UK PD-CSG have 5 PPI Representative Members who are on hand to discuss studies and grant proposals. They add valuable insight from a perspective of someone living with Parkinson's to improve the quality of the study. 

Read more about PPI within the UK PD-CSG here

To request PPI support, please contact the UK PD-CSG Coordinator, Emma Fargher 

Parkinson's UK  

Parkinson's UK offers Patient and Public Involvement support to all researchers. To request this support visit the Parkinson’s UK Patient and Public Involvement support webpage

Parkinson's UK Participation Support Programme for Researchers

The Parkinson's UK Participation Support Programme is available to all researchers. Researchers do not need to hold a Parkinson’s UK grant to access the support. The different methods of support all aim to boost recruitment in Parkinson's research. 

To request participation support, visit the Parkinson’s UK Participation Support webpage

Parkinson's UK Staying Connected Toolkit 

The Parkinson's UK Staying Connected Toolkit provides free communication resources which can be used to keep participants updated with the study progress and information. There are resources relevant to the whole duration of the research,  from consent to publication. 

The toolkit includes a guide and framework regarding optimal communication with research participants. It also include templates:

Learn More Here: Website Link 

Download the Toolkit here: PDF Toolkit

Michael J. Fox Foundation Resources

Researchers can access a number of different resources via the The Michael J. Fox Foundation website: 

PSP Association Research Resources 

The Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP) Association is a charity focusing on PSP and Corticobasal Degeneration (CBD). The PSPA funds and stimulates research into these conditions; read their Research Strategy here

PSPA leads a number of initiatives to increase the involvement and participation of people with these conditions in the important research taking place: 

Patient and Public Involvement Group

PSPA have a PPI group that researchers can interact with to gain valuable feedback. The group can review their study documents to improve accessibility of their studies. The group comprises mostly of ex-carers. 

Research Engagement and Registry

PSPA are engaged with over 1900 people with PSP/CBD; over 1500 carers and over 1500 health and social care professionals. 

They also hold a registry of people who are interested in learning about and potentially taking part in research. Researchers can share their research opportunities and studies through this registry to boost engagement and recruitment in studies.

For more information about research opportunities and resources, please visit the PSPA webpage or contact Megan Hodgson 

UK Parkinson's Disease Clinical Studies Group Flyer

Spread the word of the UK PD-CSG by sharing the link to our flyer: UK PD-CSG Flyer 

Further Information

To find out about Research Training taking place in the UK, please visit the following NIHR pages: