Stakeholders & Collaborators


The UK PD-CSG works closely with a number of Charities to support Parkinson's clinical research.

Charity organisations drive and enable research by providing funds to the researchers and their studies. The UK PD-CSG brings together researchers and members of the Parkinson's community to help produce high quality grant applications. The group will bring together researchers from across the UK, meaning that the sites taking part in the studies will have greater geographical spread.  This is beneficial because it makes it easier to recruit people from across the country rather than from just one site. This improves the quality of research being undertaken, increases participation opportunities and will hopefully increase number of successful grant applications for Parkinson's related clinical research.

Cure Parkinson's

The UK PD-CSG is funded by Cure Parkinson's.

Read more about what Cure Parkinson's do by clicking on the logo to visit their website.

Parkinson's UK

Read more about what Parkinson's UK do by clicking on the logo to visit their website.

Specialist Groups

NIHR Clinical Research Network Neurodegeneration National Speciality Group 

Read more about what they do by clicking on the logo to visit their website.

Parkinson's Disease Nurse Specialist Association 

Read more about what they do by clicking on the logo to visit their website.

Special Interest Groups

Association of British Neurologists, Movement Disorders Special Interest Group

Read more about what they do by clicking on the logo to visit their website.

British Geriatrics Society, Movement Disorders Special Interest Group

Read more about what they do by clicking on the logo to visit their website.

Industry Links

The UK PD-CSG will endeavour to develop successful relations with leading Industry and Commercial Partners in Parkinson's clinical research. We are hoping to support commercial partners in many different ways, including:

Site Selection Process

Information Sharing 

Geographical Distribution

Trained Research Sites

Quality of Research 


Cost Saving 

New Sites & Researchers

Support for New Sites 

Support for Parkinson's Professionals New to Research